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How to take correct measurements for the pattern-the basics

- апреля 24, 2020

Lana-web. gillana > Simulated and sew for yourself How to take correct measurements for the pattern. Any thing made by hand, begins with the construction of the pattern-base. In order to successfully it to do, you need to take basic measurements. The more you do, the successful pattern dress, skirt, jacket or pants. For this you need a tape measure, a drawstring to secure the waist, and the help of a friend. как правильно снимать мерки для выкройки-основы Tip 1. The measuring of the basic standards try to maintain your usual posture. If it does not suit you, adjust it you will be later - a special complex of exercises. If you're used to slightly slouch, walk with drooping shoulders, do not pull the stomach, you have to look at not very optimistic figures. But the pattern and stitched the product will "sit" on the figure perfectly. What happens if you straighten up and pull your stomach? What skirt, dress or pants on the first try will narrow – it is not so much. Much worse is that the article is skewed: on the back of the dress, for example, will be shorter than necessary, forming the bottom of the trough. Because stooped shoulders require additional volume when you build a pattern of the back. But the front half of the dress will droop. To change the position of Darts and the shoulder line. Tip 2. In order for the pattern-base was built as accurately as possible, take measurements and do a fitting in the same bras. Can change not only the volume but also the value of the measurements of the height of the breast. This is especially important if you plan to sew a dress or blouse with breast recesses. 3 basic measurements: bust, waist and hips. Lock waist drawstring and be sure to check his situation: he has to go on the back and the front on the same line, parallel to the floor. Depends on how properly will be the measured length of the front waist, and back length. Chest girth. OG Measured at the outermost points of the breast. On the back of the meter should be held strictly parallel to the waist. Do not pull on the meter, but do not let the extra volume of allowances on the fit, depending on the chosen model, specified when building the pattern. The circumference of the waist. Is Measured FROM the narrowest part of the figure so that it was possible to breathe, but without the extra inches. The circumference of the hips. ABOUT Measured, usually at 18-22 cm below the waist, at the maximum points of the width of the hips. If you have protruding stomach, the volume is counted as well. Measurements of the back.как правильно снимать мерки для выкройки-основыBack length to waist 1. D JS1 Measured from the base of the neck to the waist. Do not forget about posture. Back length 2. D JS2 is Measured only if a pronounced stoop. The difference between these 2 measurements is the depth of the neck at the back. The standard measure is 1.5 -2 cm In summer dresses can be arbitrary, and for jacket and 2.5.The height of the back slash. In the sec On the collage it is indicated by the red arrow. This measurement allows you to more accurately construct the line of the shoulder. Standard tilt – 2.5 cm when building patterns, it is necessary to adjust: for the figure with sloping shoulders, the tilt may be 3-3,5, and figures of the sports type, straight shoulders – only 1.5-2. When you build a pattern of a jacket or coat, always consider an extra allowance to the height podpischikov. The width of the back. W SP is Measured approximately at the level of 12-13 cm, from shoulder, between armhole. Measurements front.как правильно снимать мерки для выкройки-основыFront length to waist. D PT One of the important standards. Measured from the base of the neck, on the most protruding points of the chest, to waist, in a straight line. For shapes with a normal posture, depending on the breast volume, the difference between the length of the front and back is from 2 to 5 cm, for full figures 10-14, if the chest – puffy. When stooping, the length may be less than the length of the back. The height of the breast. In gr Important as the measure between the centers of the chest, measure carefully and correctly when the selected model is tuck. Measured from the base of the neck to the center of the chest. Don't forget tip # 2.The center of the chest. C g is Measured between the centres. Fragile figures, this merc is just 15-16 cm in size 48 – 18-19, with full chest 20-24. allowances to 2-3 cm are specified when building patterns. The width of the chest. W g is Measured the same as the width of the back. The chest height slash. In HRC, the test criteria for the proper construction of the slope of the shoulder. Measure from center of chest to the point where the end of the shoulder line. The additional measurements.как правильно снимать мерки для выкройки-основыThe depth of the armhole. G PR is Measured from the waist to the armpits. When constructing a pattern is subtracted 2-4 cm, depending on the style and model. For jacket – 3-3,5 cm for dress – 2-2,5 for coat can be from 4 to 6. To adjust the depth of the openings have always, but this measurement allows more accurate way to build it without making high, but not having deepened almost to the waist. The width of the shoulder. W PL You may not believe it, but on where the shoulder ends, all different. So I measure from the base of the neck to the point on the line of the classical openings. To increase or decrease the leg length is possible depending on the style, but, on average, this measure is equal to 11-14 cm Girth hands, "biceps". O R Measured circumference of the arm at a distance of 12-15 cm from the shoulder line. The circumference of the wrist. About z Measurement is measured only in the case if sew a blouse, jacket or dress with long sleeves. The allowance is given depending on the model. The length of the pants patterns. D br is Measured on the side seam or front, from waist to floor. This is the basic yardstick for the construction of the pattern. Length of trousers can be measured not only from the waist. If sew model with low waist, except for pants length, be sure to measure the volume of the top line of the pants. And the "real" length, considering the height of heels. Seat height. Vs is Measured from the waist to the chair seat. Try to sit freely and directly. Measurement is important to ensure that the pants sat perfectly, not Nativas, but not drooping. It is not necessary to sew the model with only the belt or the facing on the waist, but to model trousers, the basic pattern. Length of the pants inseam. D br step is Measured from the groin to the floor. The control measure for the construction of the pattern. The difference between the measurements of the length of the pants for the pattern and length on the inseam should be equal to the height of the seat. Do not confuse with the "real" length of the pants. Based on these standards you can build a basic pattern-based dresses, blouses, jacket and trousers. You might be interested in How to build an accurate pattern-based skirts. Measurements and patterns are the basis for 50-58 sizes. Pattern is the basis for 50-58 sizes, is constructed in the same basic method as the pattern for sizes 44-48. But has some specific features to Read dolecek properly cut out the pants and prepare for the fitting How to calculate yardage of fabric, depending on the style and size right to self-cut pants, baste the parts and prepare them for fitting. Read dolecek right to shorten and hem pants by yourself. How to properly and efficiently shorten the trousers so as not to spoil the new thing? Make it pretty easy, and I will explain in what sequence. You can use any of 3 ways. Read dreamatorium and sew themselves. The articles in this section I will share my professional experience that will help those who love to sew, make patterns-the basics, to model, to correctly sew the selected model. Read more. All articles have sitepornbase article? Share the link with your friends! Popular articles Section Createraster Health Section of the Women's club Contact information Lana-web. Yavorsky website 2012 >> Copyright © >> lana-web. ru - author's site about fashion, style, beauty, health. Copying site materials is allowed only if there is an indexed reference to the source

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