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How to plan a living room? I ask for planning advice

- апреля 24, 2020

I never thought that I would have problems with the layout of the apartment, but this happened. I have at my disposal a small two-room apartment of 58 square meters with a terrace, a garden, a very small entrance hall, a bedroom, a tiny kitchen and a fairly spacious living room.

2-room apartment plan

Plan from the developer of a 2-room apartment

With the bedroom so far no big questions have arisen, it is small, a little more than 10 square meters, there was only one place for my closet almost to the ceiling, my bed stood up 145 cm wide and on the sides there were two bedside tables 65 cm wide. My layout fits with the plan. Only the bed is 140 cm wide, and from the bedside tables are even wider. The dresser decided not to shove into the bedroom; he got up perfectly in the so-called “dressing room”. Probably a mirror will hang above him.

This is how it looked even before the repair, with old embossed painted raufaser wallpaper. A narrow long window on the floor and a door to the kindergarten. By the way, the previous tenant had a different layout - the bed was not like mine, but the head of the window.

small bedroom with narrow window and garden door

Bedroom with a narrow window and access to the garden

The living room is almost a square, almost 5 by 5 meters, which seems to be pretty good. The room area is about 24 square meters.

gray living room with white skirting boards.

Renovated living room with light gray walls

In this room there are three doorways (without door frames and the doors themselves): the entrance from the hallway, the passage to the “dressing room” in front of the bedroom with the entrance to the bathroom, and the entrance to the kitchen. On the south side there is a wall with windows and access to the terrace, all the windows are on the floor, narrow, the so-called French windows. Glass doors to the terrace are also on the floor, but wide, double. The layout is unusual. A huge battery is located along the wall bordering the kitchen, between the window and the opening to the kitchen. She does not add beauty, moreover, it still interferes. Changing batteries is not yet included in my plans.

Well, the kitchen is very small, so the table at which you can eat will also stand in the living room. I have available so far only a square 120 by 80 and 4 chairs to it. So far, all my closets are there, a small sofa that folds out into a full-fledged sleeping place for guests, and a TV (not huge, only a 40-inch diagonal). Still a low pedestal on wheels, where all my flowers (and even a palm tree) settled, except for those that remained in the bedroom.

Everything would be fine, but something doesn’t suit you, because the table and sofa almost every day “move” to different places. Fortunately, felt is glued under the legs from the bottom, and I can do this without much difficulty. A table was already standing by the battery, a sofa by the opposite wall. Then some stood in the middle, first a sofa, and behind it a table, facing the TV. Now the sofa is already standing sideways, at an angle to the wall.

The problem is that I use the TV only as a screen for a laptop. If you can still watch a movie, then it’s impossible to work. The screen is too far from the eyes. I would like to make a plan so that while lying on the couch you can watch a movie, and while sitting at the table, work at the computer, which stands under the TV.

The sofa and furniture can be changed in the future, but there should be a sleeping place for guests. So far I have not learned how to live without a lot of things, I think that I’m unlikely to ever learn, but maybe try to learn. Some of the things that I do not often use may move to the pantry or to the basement for storage.

For the most part, my basement has always served as a transshipment point, the last in the link between "maybe I will need it or redo it" and the garbage dump. :) Things there were thoroughly “laid out”, then I looked through them and already threw them away completely. Either this is my not fully lived out "miserable psychology", or something else. I am sorry to throw away more good things, besides, before, I often remade something, made them, and these things from the basement came in handy if I needed a piece of cloth or leather. Moreover, in a store it would be worth a lot, and you still have to go there or look on the Internet, but here everything is at hand, and it’s not a pity to spoil it!

But I was distracted. If the table and sofa in front of it are in the middle of the room, then they take up a lot of space, but even this is not such a problem. Not enough outlet in the floor in the middle of the room. Sometimes I sew at the table, I need to connect somewhere.

The layout of the new kitchen also remains to be addressed, in this I am terribly short of a dishwasher, and its area is 4 meters and a little! I’m not sure that it’s possible to put a full-fledged dishwasher there... We'll see.

By the way, the house is small, with 8 apartments, and all the kitchens are tiny, the neighbors said that they have a dishwasher, so everything is possible! Hooray.

You can remodel the bathroom, add another separate shower, but so far its absence does not bother me - I like to lie in the bathroom.

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