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Jamie Oliver or "When would you know what rubbish..." / Furniture / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

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As you can see from the title, the idea is not mine, but brazenly stolen from the famous British cook, TV presenter and favorite of girls of all ages Jamie Oliver. In one of his long-standing programs (five years ago it was) accidentally noticed that eggshells, onion husks and other garbage disappear somehow very quickly. At first I thought that he was shaking off all this stuff into a bucket from the back, not visible to the viewer, side of the table. It turned out - no. Thanks to the operators, one of the close-ups revealed a secret: there is a special cover in the countertop, and under it there is a garbage container!


In my kitchen, where two gnomes will be crowded, this, alas, cannot be done. But, since my craft involves a huge amount of garbage (sometimes it seems that I only produce it), this "gadget" excited me seriously. Armed with an electric jigsaw, a furniture stapler, a cardboard box and a medical elastic bandage, I, with the impulsiveness characteristic of many women (Khachunimagu! Another eschecheranada!), Went to "spoil" my desktop. Actually, there was not much work here: cut out a part of the countertop (in my case, a circle) and fix a piece of elastic bandage from the bottom with a stapler, which, in turn, will hold the box.

I apologize for the quality of the photos - there are no others. I hope that the essence of the idea is visible:

Not very presentable, but fast, reliable and convenient! Litter on the table: opened - flicked - closed - forgot. The box overflowed: pulled it out of an elastic loop - shook it out - put it back in - forgot it.

Much later, the design was slightly improved, the cardboard box, which served faithfully for several years, was replaced by a plastic container. He also had to “suffer for the idea” - not only did they disfigure the lid by cutting a hole with a burner:

The edges were leveled with a dremel and an emery nozzle, screwed with screws to the bottom of the countertop (the screws are not very friendly with plastic, so it is better to pry the attachment points in advance with the same burner, you can use a knife or drill):

So also now shake off all rubbish indiscriminately!

But now you can empty the container by simply opening the container with one hand.

The “ears” on the orange lid, you guessed it, are needed so that the countertop lid does not fall through. In the previous cardboard boxed version, they were cut out of transparent plastic and nailed with a stapler.

In general, somehow.

You ask: where is Jamie Oliver, and where does Akhmatova’s poem actually? The answer is: Oliver in the title photo, and Akhmatova here:

I don't need odic rati

And the charm of elegiac ideas.

For me, in verses everything should be inappropriate,

Not like humans.

When would you know what litter

Poems grow without knowing shame

Like a yellow dandelion by the fence

Like burdocks and quinoa.

Anna Akhmatova.

1940 year.

="://www. livemaster. ru/topic/126129-dzhejmi-oliver-ili-kogda-b-vy-znali-iz-kakogo-sora? vr=1&inside=1" rel="nofollow">

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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/mebel_iz_nichego/dzhejmi-oliver-ili-kogda-b-vy-znali-iz-kakogo-sora2.html">

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