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Westwood dress / Simple patterns / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

Elegant and at the same time simple dress! And most importantly - 4 seams and the dress is ready :)


Before we start designing, we’ll figure out what the phrase “skewed cut” means so fashionable today. To prevent unnecessary deformation of the fabric when worn, it is customary to cut along the shared warp thread, respectively, perpendicular to the "duck". Sometimes, for flared styles, a pattern is applied to the fabric at a 45 degree angle to the main line, i. e. oblique.

"Skewed cut"Is an exception to the rule, because the pattern is a construction not strictly vertically, but also horizontally. When laying out such a pattern on fabric, a very interesting visual effect of fabric drapery is achieved. Due to this, you can create a variety of unique fashionable tunics and skewed dresses.

The material for skewed cut products must be stretched, since the use of non-knitted fabrics with such an unusual cut can lead to discomfort during wear.

Initial data

MerkaDesignationValueHip girth

ABOUT110Wrist girthOz25

Design patterns

This pattern is suitable for sizes from 40 to 50. For sizes less than 40 and more than 50, it will be necessary to adjust some of the constant values??used during construction. The patterns of the front and back of this tunic are exactly the same. They can be built directly on fabric wide 150 cm folded in half, putting away graph paper and tracing paper.

(1). In the upper right corner we put T. APut it down from it 115 cm and put T. V. To the right of T. V put off 75 cm and put T. B1. Up from T. B1 set aside 115 cm and set T. A1Connect it to T. A and get a rectangle. Line AB - the fold line of the fabric.

pattern dresses skewed cut |

(2). Of T. V set aside 93 cm and put T. S. To the right of it, we postpone an equal segment ? About and put T. C1.

pattern dresses skewed cut |

(3). From T. B1 put off to the left 3 cm (the estimated allowance for the seam) and put T. B2. Put it off from it 70 cm and put T. D.

pattern dresses skewed cut |

(4). Connect the dots C1 and D a smooth line - we get the neck of the tunic.

pattern dresses skewed cut |

(5). Of T. D put down 40 cm - sleeve length to the cuff, set T. D1. To the right of it, we postpone an equal segment? oz or 10 cmPut T. D2.

pattern dresses skewed cut |

(6). OfT. C1 down we lower the line to the intersection with the segmentBB2Put T. C2. Put it up on it50 cm and put T. C3.

pattern dresses skewed cut |

(7). From T. C2 put it to the left 3 cm And put T. B3. Connect the dots in a smooth line B3, C3, D2 - we get the side line. Point C3 can be lowered lower - it all depends on what degree of sleeve fitting is preferred.

pattern dresses skewed cut |

(8). Of T. A to the right we postpone the segment equal ? oz or 10 cm and put T. A2. Connect it with a smooth line with T. C1.

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(9). As a result of the construction, a pattern is obtained, it remains only to figure out where to make the seams.

pattern dresses skewed cut |

    Line AB - the fold line of the fabric. Line C1D - neckline. Lines A2C1, DD1, D2C3B3 - seam lines. Lines AA2 and D2D1 - cuff stitching lines. Line BB3 - bottom line.

Cuff pattern

Now draw a rectangle with sides equal 24cm and 20cm - (measurement Oz) - cuffs are ready.

pattern dresses skewed cut |

="://www. redcafe. ru/canted-dress-pattern">

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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/prostie_vikroiki/master-klass-plate-ot-westwood. html">

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