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And to the ballet, and to the gallery! (traffic) / Shoes / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

Do you recognize old Mondrian? He practically saved my ballet shoes :)

Details under the cut.

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It all started with lacquered blue ballet shoes. After an unsuccessful exit to the light black spots appeared on the varnish in the dark. This happens with varnish, but not right away! The rescue operation (after a year of reflection) turned out to be creative.

So, the materials:

1. The plastic substrate, so as not to cover everything around.

2. Acrylic paints

3. Tassels - wide flat with a straight edge and thinner with a narrow one.

4. Decoupage glue-varnish-coating, in short, in the store you need to ask how all this bodyagi is covered on top.

5. Glue any more powerful

6. Velcro tape

7. The most important thing is the wooden squares from the first-grader's set. Who went to school in the late 70s - 80s knows. What to replace, I can not imagine. Maybe now some educational toys with such flat shapes are selling?

Actually, the picture target="_blank" href="://art.1september. ru/2001/09/no09_01.htm" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Pete Mondrianthat inspired everyone in the world, including me. True, I just found a reproduction, but I created it simply from memory (based on motive). Mondrian, probably, in a coffin is turned over from each such use of his creativity, but he created a masterpiece - you have to endure :)

I painted on yellow wooden squares - not by the mind, but by intuition. At first it was necessary to paint them white, but I forgot. I did not use adhesive tape for straight lines and did not draw anything, because art should be handmade! :)))

Therefore, I covered up with a wide brush by hand squares in 4 pure colors (white titanium, cadmium yellow cf., cadmium red St., ultramarine). This is just the standard beginner kit. painter artist. She let it dry and painted over again so that the background does not shine through. Black stripes held on top with a thinner brush. All the squares are painted in different ways, as it got into my head.

To make the ballet shoes not lonely, I made another masterpiece - for a necklace.

She finished finished coloring with decoupage varnish, which is still 24 hours. Then, in one small square, I drilled two holes with a dremel and attached a chain.

I glued Velcro pieces to the bottom of the ballet shoes and two decorations for them from below so that I could change the decor. Next time, perhaps, I will swing at Casimir, ours, Malevich;)

ZARA glasses bought yesterday - fit!

Wear with clean vibrant colors! White and black also work.

By the way, the elastic band on the ballet shoes turned out to be completely superfluous. He crosses his leg, and with a square toe decoration it looks bad. But I didn’t cut it off, dragged it onto my heel (just pulled it on). Suddenly come in handy?

Here it is, a set of an advanced first grader :)

PS And do not think that I am all forever in thorns and thorns! (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d. getElementById(id)) return; js = d. createElement(s); js. id = id; js. src = "://connect. facebook. net/ru_RU/sdk. js#xfbml=1&version=v2.0"; fjs. parentNode. insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d. getElementById(id)) return; js = d. createElement(s); js. id = id; js. src = "://connect. facebook. net/ru_RU/sdk. js#xfbml=1&version=v2.0"; fjs. parentNode. insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

="://secondstreet. ru/blog/diy_peredelka_obuvi/i-na-balet-i-v-galereju-trafik. html">

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