The second wind of things or my home remodels. / Furniture / SECOND STREET
I am a fan of this wonderful street, but somehow it was more a spectator and now I gathered my courage and decided to show my alterations.
name="cut"/> Basically, everything I want to show you has been done during pregnancy. During this period, our creative essence is exacerbated, and the so-called "Nesting syndrome" begins. I was lucky with my spouse, he most often supports my crazy ideas.
And so I begin)
First, everyone’s beloved old suitcases. In our house there are a lot of them and several in a new condition.
The second is your favorite decoration technique: Lace and spray paint. Even a personal car did not escape this fate (alas, there is no photo).
The next item is colored linoleum) In the photo above the floor in the bedroom, for skeptics has been standing for 4 years. In the photo below in the hallway, he is one year old.
And a little last point.
White ordinary doors turn...
Old sofa + jeans + samples of furniture fabrics that fell into my hands
My old children's furniture after the update
And the last cute little detail - a fence in the hallway, performs a decorative and protective function.
Here's a post-boaster I got)
I hope I got it right.
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