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The dangerous anemia – symptoms and treatment

- апреля 24, 2020

Lana-web. gillana > Women's health > Anemia - symptoms, prevention and treatment of Anemia is very tricky. After all, the signs of iron deficiency anemia do not manifest immediately. Initially the body uses its internal reserves and trying to cope with the problem. And only when these resources are largely exhausted, appear the typical symptoms of remodelista: chronic weakness and fatigue, dark circles under the eyes, stains and black spots when eyes are closed, insomnia and lethargy, headaches and sometimes dizziness. Behavior becomes inappropriate: characterized by a heightened touchiness, nervousness, irritability for any reason, frequent change of mood. May occur with arrhythmias or pain in area of heart, change of respiratory rhythm, habitual physical activity becomes impossible because of weakness. Low iron content in the body negatively affects the condition of the hair and skin as it reduces the level of hemoglobin and, consequently, the nutrition of all organs and tissues with oxygen. The skin turns pale, hair – dry and brittle, nails are brittle and misshapen, the nails appear white spots or longitudinal stripes. You may receive the swelling of the face, cracks in the corners of the lips. Causes of anemia are becoming polluted air insufficient oxygen unbalanced diet consisting of a limited set of products that do not contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. And as a long diet, mostly vegetable or fruit, no meat products, which include amino acids and iron. Even in healthy girls and women monthly after menstruation for 3-5 days, a decrease in iron levels: lost of 50 mg each 100 ml of blood. Therefore, when any variation in the usual state of the organism in the deterioration of health, with the appearance of heavy bleeding, you must consult the doctor and get a blood test that determines the level of hemoglobin. Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor the change in the level of this indicator during pregnancy. Anemia can lead to the birth of the baby is weakened, which can be a violation of the condition cardiovascular, nervous, immune or hematopoietic systems. Not accidentally during pregnancy there is a strange flavor changes: very often I want to eat chalk, something salty or sour. Do not ignore these desires, you need to change your diet to include foods with a high content of vitamin C, folic acid and iron. Because expectant mothers need to provide healthy blood with normal hemoglobin in red blood cells, two at a time. As a preventive means, it is possible to recommend the infusion of rose hips and oregano or lemon balm, brewed overnight in a thermos. To drink in the morning and throughout the day with honey. Berries: cranberries, currant, mountain ash, cranberries, fresh or in fruit drinks and jams. If iron levels considerably lowered, his intensive rehabilitation will help vitamin mix of cranberry juice or cranberries, chopped walnuts and honey. Store in the refrigerator and take a tablespoon before meals 2-3 times a day. To increase the level of hemoglobin will help juice therapy: juice of carrots, apples and beets are mixed in a ratio of 3:2:1. Beet juice should be preliminarily settles for half an hour, so as not to injure the stomach wall. Drink a glass every morning. To restore blood composition useful fresh juice of the dandelion, as a prophylactic and for treatment: each spring during the week, cook the juice of all parts of the plant. Chop the leaves, roots and flowers and take the juice by tablespoons in 1-3 weeks once a day. From the dried roots and leaves of every month 5-7 days to prepare the infusion: grind and fill the night tbsp of the collection Cup of cold water. In the morning bring to boil and immediately remove from heat. To insist to cool, strain and drink during the day, taking a quarter Cup before eating. Infusion of roots and leaves of parsley can be prepared in the course of the year and take necessary, for example, after menstruation. The root cut into slices, to fill the night in a thermos along with the leaves to liter of boiling water. To drink during the day. Can be prepared within 10 days of any duties to cleanse the blood, or to prepare the collection of medicinal herbs of nettle leaves, raspberry or BlackBerry, strawberry, blossoms of St. John's wort, rose hips. All components take equally. Steamed 2 tbsp of collecting 2 cups boiling water, leave to cool. Take half a Cup, regardless of the meal. To reduce the risk of anemia can be preventive appointment within a week of juices immunostimulatory plants: aloe or Kalanchoe. Leaves previously kept in the refrigerator for 3-5 days on the bottom shelf to activate the action of enzymes. Then chop 3-4 leaves of aloe or 7-10 leaves of Kalanchoe, squeeze the juice and mix it with the juice of a small lemon and half a Cup of honey. Take tsp before a meal. When remotefile. It is important not only the presence of iron in certain foods, but also in which form it contains and how digested. Therefore, it is preferable to prepare meals red meat: beef and veal, chicken meat and Turkey meat from the liver. It is necessary to include in the menu of eggs, salads, leafy vegetables, dark green color, soy dishes, peas and beans, oatmeal and buckwheat. Buckwheat can be ignited in the pan, chop and take in the morning by tsp to Make up your weekly menu can help you meals from the diet to improve vascular health and memory: this diet is ideally balanced and include foods with essential vitamins and minerals. These measures of prevention and treatment of anemia is useful in case if the symptoms only started to show. At a deeper development of the disease, when the organs for a long time had oxygen starvation, you need medical help and individually assigned to treatment with iron supplements. Make them uncontrollably is not recommended: too much iron is also bad for the body, as the lack of it. Recommend article - continuing the theme:the many faces of anemia – diet and electiricity from insomnia. If your sleep is disturbed for a long time, it's time to seriously recover. How to give yourself a comfortable sleep, popular recipes and drugs. Read more. The main indicators of the blood test. 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