A new way to transfer print onto fabric (Diy) / Materials, equipment and tools / SECOND STREET
I thought we weren’t surprised by anything... however: name="cut"/>
Words of the author:
Recently I read a post about an interesting technology for printing on fabric.
Well, as usual, I decided to try. It turned out that the tool "Citra-solv":
We don’t sell, at least I didn’t see it on sale or didn’t pay attention. If anyone saw, whisper. Natural degreasing concentrated citrus. I first looked at a suitable Amvay stove cleaner:
But then, quite by accident, I found in myself a very similar product, which was sent to me as a gift from the telemarket:
It seems to me that this is our analogue. And this is what I did.
The only negative is a yellowish trace of the product. Interestingly, if the product is American natural, then why is it not stained?
And now a master class taken from an American blog. We will need:
Black-and-white printout on a laser printer, concentrated degreasing agent (I also want to try for stoves, but it ended if I buy and try tomorrow), brush, iron spoon, iron.
On a dense cotton fabric, put the printout with a coloring layer, grease with a brush with the product, holding the pattern so that it does not move, wipe the pattern with a spoon while pressing it so that it transfers.
Then fix with an iron.
Then the fabric can be washed.
="://blogs. mail. ru/mail/chekap/">in Russian was here, already "killed."
Still ="://www. instructables. com/id/Fabric-Printing-with-Citra-Solv/#step1">
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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/materiali_i_instrumenti/novyj-sposob-perenesti-print-na-tkan-diy. html">
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