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Strengthening immunity folk remedies and natural adaptogens

- апреля 24, 2020

Lana-web. gillana > Women's health >Strengthening immunity folk remediesRecovery and strengthen the immune system should be comprehensive, not limited only to vitamin C in high doses. If you raise the level of hemoglobin is possible in a relatively short period of time – 2-4 weeks, to strengthen the immune system only for a long time: from one to three months, and then continue what you began, in order to consolidate the results. To restore and strengthen the immune system will help you: balanced diet, body training, exercise, sauna, massage treatment of endocrine diseases and diseases of gastrointestinal tract, antibiotics only when absolutely necessary and under the supervision of a physician, the preservation of mental equilibrium. How to restore and strengthen the immune system. Our immune system is not an abstract concept, but consists of several interrelated parts, each of which performs a specific function. Therefore, in order to restore the immune system, it is necessary to determine the reasons that cause a malfunction of the immune system, those organs, which require special attention. If before, 20-30 years ago, inflamed tonsils, especially in children, immediately removed, now try to cure by applying all possible means – the role of the tonsils as organs of immune system then underestimated. A similar situation exists with appendicitis – he was considered a vestigial organ, not carrying a useful function in the body. In America, a whole generation of people who have your Appendix removed without the testimony, in early childhood, in order to avoid inflammation afterwards. The immune system of these people was broken. A significant role in what level of protection your body has, is the state of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, the condition of the intestines, which provides 80% of the body's immune defenses. Therefore, to strengthen the immune system in the first place, it is necessary to normalize the activity of the intestine – this can be done with folk remedies, using proven programs. Medicinal herbs will help to purify the whole body – the infusions and decoctions of leaves, roots and seeds used for 1-2 months, will not only improve the activity of all systems and excrete toxins, but frees the energy and forces of an organism for self-healing and strengthen the immune system. Tested folk remedies to strengthen the immune system are: Sour berries: - cranberries, cranberries, blueberries, black and red currant, gooseberry. Useful as sea-buckthorn berries and strawberries, all citrus fruits. The berries are easy to defrost, if you have prepared them yourself or purchased in supermarkets, mix with honey, to prepare hot drinks, just pereterev the berries with the sugar and the Gulf of boiling water, cook the forgotten jelly. Natural vitamin C and other vitamins they contain – are easily assimilated by organisms and will bring more benefits tablespoon of berries than artificial multivitamins. Honey-lemon mixture. Two lemon, scalded with boiling water, cut to remove seeds, chop together with peel in a blender or grinder. The cloves of 2 heads of garlic to chop, a Cup of sour berries – grind. Preferably with a wooden spoon, not metal, not to destroy the vitamins. Honey, you need half a Cup. Mix it all together. Eat when you want, and you can just "plain" tea. Store in the refrigerator. Honey-garlic mixture. Chop the cloves of 3 heads of garlic, peel the average ginger root, half grind in a blender to RUB it hard. Mix with garlic mass and a Cup of honey, add a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix. Make better in the evening, shortly before bedtime, as the extra warmth and the sleep will accelerate all immune processes. Think of the jams - pickles. Raspberry jam, BlackBerry, strawberry, currant, added to tea with lemon is a great antiviral and cough remedy. Such treatment, berry teas warm the body, causing blood vessels to expand, saturate with vitamins and minerals, are actively fighting off viruses and germs that are prophylaxis cough remedy. About the benefits of sauerkraut, sweet peppers and apples, you know, not always enough time to recall them at dinner. Just get used to take the cans out of the refrigerator, replacing your pickles, for the entire winter season, greenhouse vegetables. Salad from sauerkraut with peppers, thawed parsley, onions and olive oil contains, besides biologically active substances, phytoncids that kill germs and virus in a very short time. The most popular herbs – adaptogens are wild rose, St. John's wort, nettle, yarrow, licorice, dandelion root, elecampane. You can brew these herbs in charges by changing the main component of the collection. For example, St. John's wort, dandelion root, and elecampane – strong in its impact on the body, the herbs. So it is better to prepare in training camp with mint, lemongrass, rose hips, a little yarrow or nettle. The house plants will help you Golden mustache, aloe and Kalanchoe. You can just periodically to chew the leaves or tendrils, or grind them through a meat grinder and mix with honey in the ratio of 1-1. Pre-soak the leaves on the bottom shelf of the fridge 3-4 days – this will enhance their enzyme activity. Tincture of immunostimulant – ginseng, Siberian ginseng, Manchurian aralia, schisandra chinensis, Rhodiola rosea, can be purchased at the pharmacy. Just a few drops,3-4, on a glass of water in the morning will provide energy for the whole day, as these plants are tonic. In the evening, to reduce stress, it is better to take tincture of Valerian, or of peony, extracts of peppermint, lemon balm, oregano. Bee products and seafood to strengthen the immune system. Glucose and fructose, simple carbohydrates, make up a large part of the percentage of honey. But the "Golden" composition of honey is complex of macro - and microelements: sodium, potassium and calcium, copper and manganese, chromium, vanadium, Nickel, fluorine, iodine, zinc. However, this is not the entire list. Vitamin composition of honey is vitamins C, E, K, provitamin a, b vitamins. Honey itself is a powerful immune stimulator, but also other bee products: propolis, pollen and pollen, have on the immune system the same effect. If the propolis is necessary to prepare a tincture, or buy it at the drugstore, pollen you can just take a half tablespoon in the morning or evening. The taste is very specific, but quickly get used to it. To take courses for 2-3 weeks, then do it again next week. Seafood – seaweed, kelp, bladderwrack, spirulina, other unicellular algae are indispensable suppliers of minerals and chlorophyll, a powerful natural adaptogens. These include as mussels, scallops, sea cucumbers and squid. I have more than 10 years he lived in Vladivostok, so you can share your "special" recipe for cooking squid. Spices for immunity. Ginger is the most reliable remedy for colds, flu, with colds, to regulate metabolism, as a natural immunostimulant. Add it to your tea slice peeled root is enough for prevention. If you already have a cold, then prepare mixed tea: ginger and half a teaspoon of turmeric, pour boiling water and leave for 5 minutes under the lid, the mixture was drawn. After that, it is better to go to bed. A radical prescription for the treatment of colds: milk tea with spices. Boil a glass of water, add 4-5 cloves and the same number of grains of cardamom, 2-3 slices ginger root, boil for 2-3 minutes. Then pour a glass of milk and again boil. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, stir and leave the tea to brew for 5 minutes. Turmeric – due to the content kurchaninov, detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses. An indispensable tool for colds, cough, diseases of throat, lungs and bronchi, as well warms the body. As a prophylactic, to strengthen the immune system, turmeric can be used, adding to practically all dishes and tea. It is especially useful to do when preparing holiday meals – turmeric improves metabolism and is used as a blood-purifying agent, accelerates the breakdown of animal fats. Clove - antiseptic and warming remedy, stimulating digestion and metabolic processes. Cinnamon - antibacterial and tonic. To strengthen the immune system you can drink tea with a slice of cinnamon sticks exactly the same as with ginger. For the prevention of colds and flu – tea, brewed piece sticks, about 1-1,5 cm, and a pinch of red or black pepper. If you drink this tea with honey, it will be even more effective. The sprouted seeds to strengthen the immune system. If you get used to germinate the sprouts at least 2 times a week, in fact, this process is not anything complicated. And good for the body and immune system is huge. The sprouted seeds are not only biologically active substances: enzymes, vitamins and minerals, but also a living vital energy, rejuvenating the body. Wheatgrass is useful in diseases of the genitourinary system, have anti-inflammatory action. Corn seedlings, like all aerial parts of this plant used in folk medicine for diseases of the liver, kidneys, joints, useful as a choleretic and diuretic, promote blood purification, bile ducts, or when recovering from hepatitis. Diabetes useful sprouts legumes, especially peas, which contain the substances regulating level of cholesterol and blood sugar, accelerate the elimination of toxins, have regenerative properties. The seedlings of oats improves the condition of skin and hair, nervous system, reduce the risk of blood clots, especially useful in diseases of the thyroid gland. The benefits of soy says a lot is a valuable protein in its purest form. Soybean sprouts retain all the beneficial properties of the plant: stimulate regenerative and anti-aging processes, actively cleanse the body from toxins, reduce swelling, improve coordination, memory and vision. How to cook sprouts. Wash 2 handfuls of seeds originally in the bowl, the seeds that emerged, the dead, will remove them. Remaining – already rinse thoroughly. At the bottom of the bowls lay a bandage folded in half, pour the seeds. It is desirable to lay a thin layer. Close the remaining part of the bandage. Pour water at room temperature so that it covers the sprouts. Can just leave a bowl on the kitchen table, to keep the "process under control". On the second day, the seeds will swell and the water should be poured so that the bandage remained wet, but the seed was air access. 3-4 days the seedlings appear. The most valuable – a length of 2-4 mm, they have the highest biological activity. Of course, you can add the sprouts to the dish, but they represent a very valuable tool to strengthen the immune system to do it. Or grow them in larger volume to dry, grind and use as seasoning. The most useful is to eat them raw for Breakfast. They are also just a half-spoon is essential for health and well-being. The rest of you, the seed for 3-4 days to put in the refrigerator in a dry jar. Taking care of your health is work, but you can take care of themselves! Therefore, to strengthen the immune system, install reliable anti-microbial protection, to heal the body with recipes – it is possible. Be healthy! Varicose veins - a serious disease, not a cosmetic issue. Varicose veins – common in our time, the disease, the causes of which is our professional activity and a sedentary lifestyle. Treatment and prevention of varicose veins. Read more. Anti-inflammatory herbal teas. Anti-inflammatory herbal teas: St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula and others, will help with colds, diseases of the liver, stomach and kidneys, for skin diseases. Read more. The immune system is our natural shield. The immune system is our protection against adverse factors of the environment: while our immune system is strong, we can not fear for their health. The structure of the immune system. Read more. Herbs for cleansing the body. The use of herbs for cleansing the body is a soft and gentle way to normalize the functions of the purification system, excrete toxins, heavy metals, to clean the intestines. Read more. All articles have sitepornbase article? Share the link with your friends! Popular articles Section Createraster Health Section of the Women's club Contact information Lana-web. Yavorsky website 2012 >> Copyright © >> lana-web. ru - author's site about fashion, style, beauty, health. 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