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?? A simple recipe for the most delicious pizza at home, recipes with photos

- апреля 24, 2020

I want to share with you a recipe for making excellent home-made pizza with a wonderful juicy filling - the pastries turn out to be surprisingly tasty and fragrant!

For kneading yeast dough for an air base for pizza, you and I will need:

    Fresh pressed yeast - 15 g (or 5 g dry yeast)

    Sugar - 1 tbsp. l

    Heated water - 150 ml

    Salt - take a pinch

    ="s://alimero. ru/muka">Flour - about 1.5 cups Butter ="s://alimero. ru/olivki">olive - 3-4 tbsp. l

From so many ingredients, we get 2 pizzas with a thin base or 1 pizza with a lush base

For the juicy toppings of future pizza, we will need to:

Stuffing products for 2 pizzas

How much time do we need in order to prepare a delicious pizza at home: somewhere up to 2 hours

The difficulty level of preparing the dough for the base and delicious home-made pizza as a whole: everything is simple - in my recipe I will try to convince you of that

The course of the proposed actions during the preparation of delicious home-made pizza:

To prepare the basis for future pizza, we should combine pressed yeast with sugar. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/2cc204_wmark. jpg">

Then add 2 tbsp. l flour and 150 ml of warm water. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/e75858_wmark. jpg">

You need to mix everything well. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/2273d2_wmark. jpg">

After 15-20 minutes, we observe an air cap - the yeast has already come to life. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/65a8d2_wmark. jpg">

Next, we sift the wheat flour - we take only the highest grade. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/3b707d_wmark. jpg">

Add vegetable oil to the dough and mix everything. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/bf4cd7_wmark. jpg">

Mix the flour with a pinch of salt, shift the mixture of dough and vegetable oil. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/373b20_wmark. jpg">

And then we knead the soft and soft yeast dough for the basis of the future pizza - it should be covered with a film or a towel. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/f5abb7_wmark. jpg">

After an hour (or maybe less), we have a well-suited dough - and from it we will form the basis for pizza. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/19e67d_wmark. jpg">

We knead the dough well and roll it out - in this case the base will be lush and airy, as in the title photo.

As an option, we divide the dough into 2 parts - if we do this, then there will be 2 pizzas with a thin crispy base.

Next, lay the base on a sheet of parchment, place in a baking dish, generously grease the base with ketchup. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/99015d_wmark. jpg">

Finely chop the boiled chicken fillet and spread evenly on the base. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/7bf090_wmark. jpg">

We spread thin slices of tomatoes on top of the chicken pulp. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/7c2590_wmark. jpg">

And sprinkle with sweet canned corn. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/bd5684_wmark. jpg">

In this form, we send everything to the oven with a temperature regime of 190 degrees.

After 10-15 minutes, sprinkle the pizza billet with grated cheese - and again send everything to the oven for 5-7 minutes.

Our pizza, soft, juicy, airy and very, very tasty, is already ready. rel="nofollow" href="s://alimero. ru/photo/topic/172233/uploads/images/00/65/50/2020/04/21/032134_wmark. jpg">

Cook with pleasure!

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