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Proven folk remedies and diet to treat goiter

- апреля 24, 2020

Lana-web. gillana > traditional medicine > Goiter folk remedies and diet in order to normalize the function of the intestines entire gastrointestinal tract, to stop the development of dysbacteriosis and restore the beneficial microflora, you must comply with a special diet, which is based on foods with a high fiber content, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and herbs, as infusions of herbs – a proven means of traditional medicine for the treatment of dysbiosis. Useful bifidoyogurty and biokefir. To use these products are recommended for 3-4 weeks, for 20-30 minutes before meals or instead of a 2nd Breakfast or snack. Dysbiosis is a serious and dangerous violation of the intestinal microflora. Dysbiosis is the disturbance of species and quantitative composition of intestinal microflora, which inhibited the activity of beneficial microflora and begins to develop pathogenic. Symptoms of dysbiosis: a disturbance of the normal process of cleansing the body, appear or constipation or bowel disorders, recurrent pain, flatulence, feeling of discomfort and heaviness in lower abdomen, fatigue, allergic reactions, and even hair loss and dry skin. Causes of dysbiosis: unbalanced and irregular meals, frequent body cleansing enemas, prolonged antibiotics, stress, strict dieting, fasting without preparation, gastrointestinal diseases, prolonged illness, immunosuppression, infectious diseases. The composition of healthy intestinal flora. Species composition of microflora of the intestine is approximately five hundred different microorganisms, a total weight of 2-3 kilograms. The composition of the intestinal microflora for each of the individual organism and is formed from the first days of life, so it is important to try not to violate this ratio. Using probiotics and prebiotics, it is impossible to restore the original structure completely. Given that the intestine is the main organ responsible for 70% of our immune system, it becomes clear why the body is so vulnerable to viruses, germs, pathogens, infections and colds, if the violation of the normal functioning of the bowel and for some reason starts to develop goiter. Representatives of useful microflora of the intestine are Bacteroides, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, Escherichia shelves. Their total number is normal 99%. Opportunistic pathogenic microflora is only 1%, and pathogenic microorganisms should be absent. Useful intestinal microflora has a protective, enzymatic, immune, synthesizing functions. For example, lactobacilli produce lactic acid, antibiotic substances, enzymes that cleave protein molecules of milk and antihistamine enzymes. Bifidobacteria synthesize organic acids, which depressing effect on putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. With the help of the intestinal microflora occurs the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from food, synthesis of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and proteins, protection of the body against pathogens, regulate the balance of cholesterol and its excretion, the synthesis of lysozyme and other compounds that stimulate the immune system. Diet for the treatment of dysbiosis. Buckwheat, barley, oat and wheat, bran, wholegrain bread, nuts, and beans not only contain fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines, but also useful substances: vitamins, enzymes and minerals that are necessary for the life and recovery of beneficial microflora. And subject to any medical diet, frequent, smaller meals, at least 4-5 times a day, dinner not later than 19 hours, so as not to disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Of vegetables particularly useful cabbage and broccoli, carrots, beets, celery root and parsley, tomatoes, pumpkin. Fruits can be present in the menu in unlimited quantities and various assortments: citrus as a of vitamin C and antioxidants, plums, apples, apricots, berries: cranberry, cowberry, currant, Rowan. From meat products is allowed boiled chicken and fish dishes, steamed or in foil, not more than 2-3 times a week. Preferably, in order to keep dried fruits: raisins, apricots, figs, prunes (no digestion). With just a few pieces a day, the choice and the desire that the body receives the necessary vitamins and minerals, fiber. Of useful spices cumin, dill seeds, turmeric, coriander. In the menu should include onions, garlic and especially garlic – these vegetables have a known and proven antibacterial properties, contain essential oils and volatile production, detrimental effect on pathogens. Add onions, green onions, all dishes, at least those who are preparing for dinner. It is advisable to eat garlic cloves every morning on an empty stomach with warm water, in which mix 0.5 tsp. olive or flax oil. You can chop the garlic and mix with oil and water to wash down the mixture. Disgusting, of course, but what to do? The smell of garlic is hard to kill, but you can use coffee beans or fresh mint leaves and lemon balm. To crush garlic every morning and evening, you can chop the head of garlic and pour 0.5 Cup of any vegetable oil, preferably linseed, Leave for 2-3 days, you can leave a jar on the kitchen table. Not prozivaete, take until infusion will not end, then prepare a new one. Use the same for cooking wild garlic, especially in the spring when it's too much. And two cloves of garlic and a glass of kefir 2 hours before bedtime should be required for you. Incidentally, goiter is often accompanied by helminth infestation, so the intake of yogurt and garlic can't hurt all family members. Berries with a sour taste, as well as rose hips, containing vitamin C help stop the development of pathogenic organisms and detrimental effect on decay-causing bacteria. Herbs: the leaves of black currant, strawberry, raspberry, lemon balm, mint, yarrow, St. John's wort, eucalyptus leaves, chamomile, buckthorn bark and grass Senna (for constipation), included in the composition of herbal extracts, to help treatment of dysbacteriosis and restoration of microflora. Infusions of herbs in the dysbiosis. Collection 1. Flatulence. Eucalyptus leaves – 5 tbsp Cream – 3 tbsp Semeny fennel or dill – 1 tbsp. l. Infusion: 1 tbsp. l. collection steamed with 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse 1.5-2 hours, strain. Take half a Cup 30 minutes before meals, and after meals in an hour. Course – 2-3 weeks. After a week long break can be repeated. Collection 2, pain in the intestines and stomach. St. John's wort, chamomile, Melissa – 4 tbsp flax Seeds 3 tbsp. of the Infusion: 1 tbsp. l. collection steamed 2 cups boiling water. Leave to cool, take 0.5 cups before eating. The course – 14 days. After a week long break can be repeated. Collection 3. With constipation. Senna leaves – 1 tsp or 4-6 pellets, steamed 0.5 Cup of boiling water, close tightly. After 1.5-2 hours stir and drink the mixture before going to bed. Buckthorn bark is softer, but it is necessary to insist in a thermos: 1 tbsp. liter. bark zaparte Cup boiling water, insist hour, drain. Drink half a glass at night, and a second portion, adding a little boiling water to get warm fluids to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Collection 4. During an episode of diarrhoea. 1способ. Steamed 1 tbsp of cherry fruit 1 tbsp. boiling water. To drink during the day in small portions. 2 way. Prepare a tincture partitions walnuts: a handful partitions pour 1 Cup of vodka, Insist in a dark container for at least 2 weeks. Not to strain. As you use the tincture you can pour alcohol or vodka. Take 1 teaspoon dissolved in half Cup warm water. Dysbiosis is a serious condition, the consequences of which should not be underestimated. Tested folk remedies for the treatment of dysbiosis and a diet that normalizing the intestinal flora, will help you to restore health. Enema - recommendations. Method bowel cleansing with an enema – and radically effective. The main thing – to do the enema properly, without harming health and causing irreparable harm to the species composition of the intestinal microflora. Read more. Medicinal herbs for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Medicinal herbs, infusions and tinctures from them, traditional medicines, helps to reduce pain and swelling, improve the condition of the vessels of the legs with varicose veins. Read delicac to restore the metabolism in the body. Depending on what happens the intensity of metabolism in your body, depends not only the overall health and well-being, but also how you weight. How to speed up metabolism. Read more All articles have sitepornbase article? Share the link with your friends! Popular articles Section Createraster Health Section of the Women's club Contact information Lana-web. Yavorsky website 2012 >> Copyright © >> lana-web. ru - author's site about fashion, style, beauty, health. Copying site materials is allowed only if there is an indexed reference to the source

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