Original drawing reception (3 master classes) / Drawings and inscriptions / SECOND STREET
In order to do something similar, you will need fabric markers, a brush and a glass of alcohol. And there can be a lot of variations in the picture:
Pull a t-shirt on a tray or something waterproof - so that the paint does not leak.
Draw dots with markers. Immediately, before it dries, dilute the alcohol with a brush (drip onto the dots from the pipette - optionally), drawing the picture in different directions - the color will begin to stretch and blur.
Until the winning result:
After drying and, as usual, ironing with the maximum hot iron - you will get a regular T-shirt painted with fabric markers - you can wash, wear, etc. - only the picture will be so psychedelic.
You can not pull the fabric on something so that it lies, but put it on a vase, for example - and draw "on weight" - it will turn out a little differently:
In general, something is missing here. looks a little incomplete, right? But as an idea, it’s interesting.
If you have only one marker - monophonic this technique also works:
="://thebutterflyjungle. blogspot. com/2010/06/fireworks-t-shirts. html">1
="://www. crapivemade. com/2010/08/sharpie-tie-dye-t-shirts. html">2
="://genuinemudpie. ca/2011/07/06/shirt-dyeing-round-two/">3
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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/risunki_i_nadpisi/originalnyj-priem-risunka-3-master-klassa. html">
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