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Moisturizing face mask

- апреля 24, 2020

moisturizing face mask

Any type of skin requires proper care and self-care. One of the priority areas is competent nutrition, which perfectly provides a moisturizing facial mask. What is important to remember, its use is equally necessary for women at any age. If the skin does not receive enough moisture, it quickly begins to age.

In addition, poorly moisturized skin peels, irritates, becomes dull and inexpressive. It is unlikely that such a person can be called well-groomed and attractive. It is important to regularly moisturize any type of skin.

Why moisturize your skin

Many women realize the importance of this condition of care and self-care. They regularly purchase and use lotions, tonics, gels and creams marked “moisturizing” on their packaging. However, every 5-7 days, it is necessary to carry out these procedures more widely. This may help a special useful mask. Its action is aimed at restoring the natural natural water balance in the epidermis. The components of the masks should penetrate the very core of the cells and saturate the tissues with life-giving and such necessary moisture.

It is especially important to pamper yourself and your body with such masks in the winter and summer months. These periods have an incredibly negative effect on the internal condition and appearance of the skin. Moisturizing masks, in turn, allow for the shortest period of time to bring it into proper shape and restore lost health.

Currently, in cosmetics stores you can find many attractive options for ready-made masks. Their composition includes active substances that allow you to quickly provide moisture to the skin. Moreover, some of the components can not only penetrate into the deepest layers, but also linger there.

Homemade Moisturizing Masks

homemade moisturizing masks

However, moisturizing folk face masks are no less popular. This is primarily due to the fact that they contain exclusively natural products, in which the lady can be sure of all 1000%. Moreover, such masks have a wider spectrum of action. They simultaneously moisturize the skin and delicately clean it. To find the best option that will be ideal for a specific skin type, it is worth experimenting a bit with home masks, having tried several recipes.

A special recipe has been developed for oily skin. Such a moisturizing face mask is made on the basis of 2 egg whites. They need to be thoroughly beaten, and then pour in them 1 tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Then you need to take a couple of spoons of oatmeal and grind it. The resulting crumb is added to the mixture, after which it is thoroughly mixed. Such a home mask is applied to the face for about 20 minutes. In this case, it is very important to properly wash off the composition. This is done in two trips. First, the face is rinsed with warm water, and then with cold liquid.

Ideally affects the skin prone to oily sheen, a mask of cucumber. First you need to thoroughly clean the skin. It is not the vegetable itself that is superimposed on the face, but its peel. It is necessary to sustain the procedure for about a quarter of an hour. Then the parts of the cucumber are removed, and the face is rubbed with infusion based on parsley.

Mask recipes for normal to dry skin

However, it is important to regularly moisturize normal skin. A mask created using grapefruit works perfectly in this direction. You will need to take the pulp of one medium citrus and chop it thoroughly. 1 egg yolk is poured into the pulp. Ideally, you can add to the mixture a couple of drops of hyaluronic acid, which is often sold in drugstores. The resulting mask is well mixed. The action of the product is calculated on average for 20 minutes, after which the product is washed off with a little warm water.

Other recipes are also very effective. One of them proposes to cook a couple of spoons of hercules in low-fat milk. When the porridge has cooled slightly, add a spoonful of honey to it. The mask is applied to the body for about a quarter of an hour. This time is enough to saturate tired skin with the necessary amount of moisture.

However, aging skin needs special attention and the type that is sensitive and dry. For such women, recipes are provided that will doubly intensively nourish and moisturize the epidermis. At the same time, performing only 1 mask in 7-10 days is not enough for them. The effect will be extremely mild. It is simply necessary to do at least 3 approaches per week so that the surface of the face looks attractive and young. Beauticians do recommend a real course of moisturizing masks in the amount of 15 pieces. Between such courses it is worth taking a short break within 1 month.

One of the effective recipes is the option that requires diluting 1 teaspoon of milk powder when using heated water. It is necessary to dilute the product so that it begins to resemble thick cream. 1 teaspoon of honey is added to the mixture. The mask is applied for no more than 20 minutes, after which it is removed from the face with warm water.

It perfectly moisturizes dry skin mask, which contains a pair of spoons of olive and almond oil, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 yolk. Thanks to the effective combination of products, you only need to apply the mixture to the face for a quarter of an hour.

No less beneficial effect is the combination of products that are difficult to imagine together. You need to take 20 drops of rose water and a spoonful of cucumber juice and cream. A well-mixed composition with a cotton swab is applied to the face. Just 20-25 minutes will be enough to feel the positive effect of the mask on the epidermis. The mixture is washed off with warm running water. Ends using a mask wiping the face with rose water.

Regular use of masks for moisturizing will allow you to forget about problems with the skin, its peeling and irritation, which are often attributed to environmental influences, and not to a lack of moisture in the tissues.

="s://thewomens. ru/uvlazhnjajushhaja-maska-dlja-lica. html">

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