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Cottage Cheese diet – lose weight by the summer

- апреля 24, 2020

Lana-web. gillana >> Useful diet >>cottage Cheese diet – lose weight by summer the cottage Cheese diet is used when you want to lose weight fast. Depending on which option you prefer: hard or gentle, you can say goodbye to 1 – 2.5 kg for 2 – 3 days, or 3 to 5 kg per week. And, almost without stress for the body, if you follow certain rules, and smoothly out of the diet. As with all mono, it can be practiced only if you have serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, allergic reactions to dairy products. The effect of diet due to the fact that the use of almost any monoproduct, activates metabolic processes in the body. In curd, accelerated fat burning and reduced the degree of deposition due to the high content of calcium. This trace element stimulates metabolic transformation of fat. So you get a double effect: slimming and strengthening bone tissue and the locomotor apparatus in General, and to improve the condition of nails, tooth enamel and hair. Hard cottage cheese diet. It allows you to lose weight is not much – just 1 to 2.5 kg, but results are guaranteed. This option is suitable for girls and women with a strong character, as the entire menu consists of low fat cream cheese or low-calorie, and clean water. The day you can eat only 250 – 300 g of cottage cheese, dividing this number by 5 – 6 receptions. In between you can drink only pure water, at least 1.5 – 2 liters per day. The weight loss is approximately 0.5 - 0.8 kg per day. Not only because of the sharp decline in calorie daily diet, but also due to purification of the body – the lightness you feel on the second morning. On the third day, your waistline and hips will be noticeably slimmer. 2 days if you need to lose weight just 1 to 1.5 kg the volume of one portion of cheese can increase to 70 – 80 g, and the interval between them, 2 – 3 times a day to drink a glass of yogurt or infusion of rose hips. Important! Rigid diet cannot be practiced frequently and for a long time. The body can be sensitive to a lack of essential nutrients, particularly vitamins and minerals. Therefore, if the hunger becomes insurmountable or, even worse, you will feel weakness or dizziness, immediately leave the diet. To do this, first, drink a large mug of hot tea with lemon and sugar or honey. In half an hour – drink a glass of fruit juice with pulp, or a mixture of juices. For example, carrot, Apple or pumpkin. This condition means that your body and so there is a deficiency of useful vitamins and minerals, and the absence in the diet of vegetables, fruits, fats and carbohydrates, exacerbated the situation. An hour after a glass of juice, drink another Cup of hot tea with 2 – 3 dry or trubnyi rye bread and 2 – 3 pieces of bitter black chocolate. After that, take 1 tablet of folic acid – complex of vitamins of group B. in Another hour you can prepare fruit salad, and for dinner vegetable salad of boiled beets and carrots, season it with a teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil. The next day, you can spend one of the days of fasting and go back through the day, to your normal diet, but start with small portions. In order to fully remedy the lack of vitamins for 5 – 7 days, use multivitamin complexes with minerals, and drink freshly squeezed juices. A gentle version of cottage cheese diet. He is more durable and suitable for 6 – 7 days, and reduce weight 3 to 5 kg. the Peculiarity of it is that the days with the severe restriction of calorie intake alternate with days when you can vary your diet with other foods. Day 1st, 3rd and 5th. During the day, your menu only consists of 500 g of cottage cheese, divided into 5 portions and two oranges or bananas. Day 2nd. Prepare for Breakfast a fruit salad, 100 – 150 g of yogurt, sweet tea. For lunch, your menu can consist of vegetable soup, 100 – 150 g of boiled meat, better than chicken or Turkey meat, a small portion of vegetable stew. Minimum dinner – 150 g of cottage cheese and a decoction of rose hips or tea with lemon. Day 4th. In the morning cook half a Cup of muesli cereal and fruit, or cornflakes with milk. Lunch can be composed of 200 g of chicken soup, cheese casserole, 150 g of lean meat, and dinner is from 100 – 150 g of cottage cheese and 100 g of dried fruits: prunes, apricots and raisins. Day 6th. Start smoothly out of the diet – cook for Breakfast an omelet of two eggs and roll it in fresh herbs, add to the dish 1 - 2 pieces of black or corn bread, allow yourself a Cup of nutritious hot chocolate or a great Cup of coffee. Lunch better yet be restricted to broth and boiled meat, but to complement them a portion of buckwheat porridge and vegetable salad. Dinner while minimum – 100 g of cottage cheese and yogurt. Day 7th. Guide it depending on the results achieved. If your weight is still not satisfied, the menu – as in 1st day, but add 1 – 2 cups of fruit juice. If satisfied with the result, and your weight is decreased by 3 – 5 kg, then gradually move to its regular menu. It is desirable to adjust it to weight remained stable. Recommend articles: databaseservername Mediterranean diet of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries as a way of life, allows you to preserve youth, slimness and women's health. Read Palaeocene diet for health, beauty and gastroenetrology and meals, healthy juices to our menu to keep optimistic mood, strengthen immunity and health, to be beautiful. Read palaeobotanica nutrition for women's health after 45Какие products you want to include in your daily menu to maintain women's health, energy and attractiveness after 45.. Read deleese article sitepornbase article? Share the link with your friends! 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