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Modern methods and methods of treatment

- апреля 24, 2020

Hello, dear readers. About this disease, Doctors knew more than 200 years ago. Symptoms of Gout Diagnosed by Beethoven, Newton and Charlie Chaplin.

In fact, this is damage to the joints with accumulations of uric acid.

In this article we will consider chronic and acute variants of the disease., understand the causes of the disease and, of course, let's talk about the methods of its treatment.

Who is affected

According to statistics, most cases of gout, accounts for the elderly. Though, recently, Doctors note some “rejuvenation” of this disease.

Cases of the disease in men appear much more often. This is due to the hereditary nature of the disease and a tendency to various excesses. Add to that, male addiction, seek medical help at the last moment. And this is fraught with deformation of the joints and the appearance of tofus.

What is gout?

Gout in women is much less common., and occurs mainly in the menopause.

In childhood, gout almost does not occur and can occur only in cases of pathologies in the body.

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Causes and stages of gout

Gout appears in the human body for several reasons:

Hereditary predisposition is one of the root causes of gout. The fact, that this disease is transmitted at a level X chromosomes. Hence the greater number of male cases of the disease.

Unfortunately, healthy lifestyle, few can boast. It is low mobility that affects the amount of salts, deposited in the body, including, and around the joints.

Metabolic disorders, usually, is a consequence of unbalanced nutrition. Big mistake, think, that malnutrition only leads to obesity. In fact, our body is able to put off not only fats, but also salt deposits, derived from products, containing purine.

Developmental stages of gout

Should say, that only the main causes of gout are mentioned here. Treatment of this disease makes you turn to the work of all body systems. And the symptoms are so characteristic, that they are difficult to confuse with any by others.

Before talking about the symptoms, consider the stages of the development of the disease, and also recall, that gout is developing rapidly:

Asymptomatic stage is easily treatable, but, Unfortunately, difficult to diagnose, because in the presence of internal changes, virtually no external symptoms;

Gouty arthritis develops in the second stage of gout development, it is this stage that is commonly called the "disease of aristocrats";

An intermediate non-critical period passes to the next stage and is characterized by temporary relief, however do not be mistaken, this “relief” is false;

Chronic stage.

Symptoms of the disease

As mentioned above, gout can leak, as in acute, and passive form.

Acute gout appears in stage two, i. e, in the moment, when the joint is already affected by uric acid. Exacerbation of the disease may occur after eating foods., containing this acid or alcoholic beverages:

Symptoms of the diseasesymptoms of gout: modern methods and methods of treatment

Sharp pain, most often appears in the morning or evening;

During the day there is a certain abatement of pain;

Joint inflammation occurs, while the skin around the joint swells and becomes red, and body temperature rises;

Possible side effects of the body, manifesting in nausea, high blood pressure, decreased appetite.

Chronic or passive form of gout is much easier than the period of exacerbations, but it is precisely these stages that cause the body as a whole irreparable harm.

Complications, caused by gout

A visible complication of this disease is the appearance of tofus. Gouty nodes, in fact, and there is that very deposition around the joint. Yellow nodules may form around the joints of the foot, elbows, fingers and toes, knee joints and even near the cartilage of the auricles and nose. Tofus deposits are most often inflamed, because they are a foreign body to the body.

Gout on hand

But these are only visible signs. Often, against the background of gout, several concomitant diseases develop:

Increased white blood cells, provoking inflammation of the internal organs;

Urolithiasis disease;



Diagnostic methods and preventive proceduressymptoms of gout: modern methods and methods of treatment

Since gout has characteristic symptoms, diagnosing this disease is not difficult. However, the survey is very important, because this disease has many associated ailments. For an accurate diagnosis it is necessary:

Establish the amount of accumulated urates;

Conduct a biochemical blood test;

Check for inflammatory processes in the body.

Gout on the feet

Gout Warning, as well as recovery from illness, suggest the use of such methods:

Feasible physical activity, including swimming and cycling;

Comfortable shoes and clothes;

Joint gymnastics;

Balanced diet.

Medication for gout

This treatment method, primarily, aimed at splitting urinary deposits. However, remember, that these drugs can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, as they may have side effects. They are forbidden to use by children., pregnant and lactating.

The second group of drugs - chondroprotectors, aimed at repairing damaged periarticular tissues. This medicine, stimulates the regeneration process, and speeds up metabolic processes.

It is important to mention painkillers., since the acute stage is accompanied by very severe pain. be careful, the choice of medicine should be carried out by a specialist, since some anesthetics, with gout are contraindicated.

Since the main treatment for gout, is the removal of excess salts from the body and the removal of inflammation in the acute stage of the disease, Do not neglect the experience of our ancestors:

Treatment with folk remedies

Chamomile decoction, It relieves inflammation and has a mild sedative effect., It is an indispensable tool during seizures. For the preparation of potions, sprinkle the chopped chamomile with ordinary salt and pour boiling water over it. After 24 hours, tincture is used for baths and lotions.

Tincture of pine or spruce cones has a cleansing effect, allows you to dissolve deposits and remove them from the body. It is prepared quite simply. The cone is poured with 300 grams of boiling water and infused for 12 hours. The portion is calculated on daily intake.

Bay leaf was famous, as a cleanser in ancient Greece. The infusion is made in the same way., as in the recipe with bumps. The only difference is the need to keep it warm, as long as possible. To do this, wrap a container with a bay leaf in it or wrap it in a thermos.

Black radish is not only able to remove salts from the body, but also dissolve the stones. The effect gives only freshly squeezed juice. The distinguishing feature of this method, can be called a gradual increase in dose from one teaspoon to 100 grams of juice at a time. The course is considered completed, when the total amount of juice reaches three liters.

An interesting method of traditional medicine, is the use of fish compresses. They relieve inflammation and stop pain for ten days. To make such a compress, about two kilograms of fish scraps need to be cleaned of bones, and then divide them into ten parts and freeze. Before bedtime, the portion is thawed, Tie around the joint with a regular bag. In case of damage to the legs or hand, they simply put a limb in a packet. In the morning, the compress is removed and washed with warm water and laundry soap.

Gout Diet

Malnutrition is known, as one of the root causes of this disease. Therefore not surprising, what a diet, is one of the treatment methods. The salt content of a product, you can find out by yourself, consider the main directions of the diet:

Smoked and fatty foods should be strictly excluded from the diet. Required to reduce the consumption of mushrooms and spices, minimize alcohol consumption.

The main component of the menu for gout disease, are vegetable soups. Animal fats, replaced by their plant counterparts. And a large number of vegetables and fruits are introduced into the diet.

Low-fat dairy products can be eaten in small quantities., boiled poultry or meat.

It is very useful in the treatment of gout to spend fasting days., at least twice a week. Specialists advise devoting this day to one product, like an apple, cottage cheese or kefir.

In conclusion, recall, gout is not a sentence. Modern medicine knows many ways to cure this disease. See a doctor, do not neglect folk methods, do not forget about prevention.

Be healthy. If you find the information useful, Share the article with your friends. Subscribe to our updates and get useful information. All the best.

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