Witty idea of??shooting small things (Diy) / Photo (ideas of shooting) / SECOND STREET
Having seen such photos, I would have decided that they were taken by a professional, and before that he conjured for a long time with blur and background illumination of the photo.
And everything turns out to be SO simpler and faster: all that is needed for this life hack is a laptop, a brilliant magazine, a lamp and white paper:
target="_blank" name="cut" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
We find any beautiful picture with backlight that we want to use, open it in full screen, put a magazine with a reflective surface (at the same time close the keyboard), on the side we substitute a sheet of white paper or plastic with a lamp behind it - and you can shoot!
target="_blank" href="://ww3.sinaimg. cn/bmiddle/7b3f7467jw1e4ybb99vrij20c8176n0x. jpg" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
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