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Vitamins and Minerals

- апреля 24, 2020

The ideal diet for any nursing mother should include the use of natural nutrients. First of all, it is vitamin B12, which is responsible for mental development, and calcium, which is needed to strengthen the bone tissue of the mother and baby. If you do not eat fish or meat, then it can only be obtained from special vitamin complexes for pregnant women (it is also suitable for the first time after childbirth).

Vitamin Breastfeeding includes in the menu of a young mother:

Fresh juices. Necessarily from hypoallergenic fruits. The best option is apple fresh, and it is advisable to grind it into juice along with the seeds - they contain a large amount of iron. This is a good option for dysbiosis, because apple nectar will help wash harmful bacteria out of the body;

    Nuts. This is just a storehouse of healthy fats and trace elements. Especially hazelnuts and almonds. Naturally, you need to be very careful, often they can cause the formation of gases. It is recommended to eat no more than 100 grams of such products per day; To prevent anemia and other blood problems, eating greens is very important. It contains vitamin B9 or folic acid. Salad, arugula, dill (which also helps with colic) - these are natural sources saturated with folia. They can not be stored and processed with boiling water for a long time - B9 is destroyed by heat; Drink fish oil. This will not only help you quickly get in shape, but also prevent the occurrence of various childhood diseases. Even with the right lifestyle after pregnancy, an enhanced return of beneficial trace elements begins. As a result, you can observe brittle nails, hair loss, deterioration of the skin. An elementary daily intake of vitamin E and fish oil will help to avoid all this.

Such a separate healthy diet should be maintained for up to six months, and ideally until the first year of the baby. It should be borne in mind that at 4 months (sometimes at 3) more “adult” dishes can be entered in the menu of a nursing mother, since complementary foods are included in the nutrition of the baby. With atopic dermatitis or any other manifestation of digestive disorders, you should return to the first week after the birth of the baby.

Menu of a nursing mother for months table photo

menu of a nursing mother for months table photo

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