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Two almost repeats / Diy dresses / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

Why “almost” the repetition: firstly, I have little idea how the originals are made, because I still don’t know how to sew; secondly, there was no such goal - to do it one-on-one, but I really wanted something similar. In general, under the cut - the embodiment of my inspiration :)

target="_blank" name="cut" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">

First - A dress based on the most jeans brand Marque's Almeida. I dreamed about this since last summer, but I never found a suitable denim. Lucky this summer.

At Marque's Almeida I liked both the top and the dress. As they say, so as not to get up twice...

As a basis, you can take a simple dress pattern, as Lena had in the post target="_blank" href="://://secondstreet. ru/blog/prostie_vikroiki/4-platja-na-leto. html" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">link

(very first). And then, it seems clear)

For shuttlecocks, you need to carve out two squares or rectangles, but with a slight difference in the length of the sides. I had rectangles of 65x80 cm. It is very important to cut the shuttlecocks along the oblique so that the fringe turns out to be dense and the same on all sides. Before making a fringe, you need to attach a rectangle to the neckline, lay the folds and secure them with needles, and preferably with a basting. Shuttlecock can be formed in different ways, it is difficult to give precise directions. I tried to copy the folds from the model in the photo, although in the photos from the catwalk, the shuttlecocks of the same top look a little different.

I'll try to show schematically (sorry May paint)

I warn you that everything is very approximate. Red marked the places where the front and rear shuttlecocks are sewn together. Three angles come into play, what is grayed out will remain superfluous. The cut line, of course, will not be so smooth, it is better to cut off the excess when the shuttle has already been formed.

In sandals - this is for photos, sneakers I love more :)

Second - a dress that looks like a Ports 1961 dress (well, or should have been like). I noticed it when the fw 2016 lookbook came out, but decided to wait for it to appear in online stores to review. But I did not wait. I found only three photos, and still did not see anything new on them. I did as I did :)

I understood only that the dress is asymmetrical, and that the cut is simple. And for this, the same pattern is quite suitable. I thought of everything else myself. I decided that the side loop should be on one side, because the top is also asymmetrical. Approximate scheme:

To make the fold larger, a wedge-shaped insert was sewn in (about 40 cm at the base).

In the original, most likely, stretch fabric. I bought a thin denim. She looks like a jeans underside. I also liked the fact that the fringe can be made contrasting - black.

Now about fringe. I cut long strips with a width of 3.5 cm. Be sure to cut strictly along the lobar or transverse, depending on what color the fringe will be (relevant for denim). Then she bent in half and stroked.

She sewed along the fold line to the already cut out details of the dress. I tried to mark so that the strips on the side seams coincided. Again ironed. On top, stepping 1-2 mm from the fold line, stitched with a knitted stitch. Broke up (wonderful word). Knitted stitch will not let the fringe blossom further. Washed by hand to check - everything holds.

It looks interesting live, in the photo it is not very noticeable that the stripes are fringe.

It was nice to share with you!

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