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... that and slippers - 2 (DIY) / Shoes / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

Do you know what my favorite activity is? Nah, not DIY. I love to sleep! Therefore, the pajama-sleeper trend sunk into my soul almost as firmly as rock and military once did. ="://secondstreet. ru/blog/diy_peredelka_obuvi/kto-ranshe-vstal-tomu-i-tapki-trafik. html">Chasing sleepers I jumped over a bunch of shops, but in the end I got in a hype only a kind of Zarovskaya crafts (nice looking, but wildly uncomfortable). And then I remembered...


... that gather dust in the closet wildly scary not very beautiful, but incredible, incomprehensible, indescribably comfortable slippers of a very teenage age (15 years old). But they are made of genuine leather and with arch support, and the sole has not been killed by any trips.

This is, so to speak, the patient... I decided to operate to paint, since stains are still not rubbed off by any means.

Take alcohol, swab, tweezers, scalpel... and wash, degrease the entire surface, including the sole. Next is tape. Not whiskey, but painting. We glue the whole slipper with tape, except for the sole, and stuff the newspaper tightly inside.

We cover everything around with newspapers, we drive the family out for a walk and pour sole on the sole with gold paint. Dry, paint again. After drying, peel off the adhesive tape, but we can’t take the newspaper out of the patient’s inside.

The patient felt better, but not so much. What to do next? To paint completely with gold is too simple. Veil a little... And here it is, the solution - ="://secondstreet. ru/blog/materiali_i_instrumenti/risunok-kruzheva-na-bloknote. html"> lace stencil! But how to add lace to a sneaker, it's not a flat notebook and not even jeans...

Socks, because they are just in size and sit tight! I barely found guipure socks - on the market!

We pull the guipure sock on the boot. It is advisable that the seam fall on the sole, if any. We also pull the neck of the sock onto the sole and again we wind it with adhesive tape from below, as well as around the entire slipper, so that the sole is denser and closes. Again we take a cylinder with the same paint and water the slippers from above and from the sides. I painted 1 time so that there was no very thick layer and did not numb under the lace. Dry longer without touching!

After removal bandages we get socks... strangely enough, drawing! Socks, by the way, remained quite wearable, only got rich.

Actually, that's all. Photo with jeans:

And with the "pajama" pants, but what about:

PS I think, to sew the brushes or better not?

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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/diy_peredelka_obuvi/tomu-i-tapki-2-diy. html">

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