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"Disgusting" Sruli Recht (traffic) / Designers / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

disgusting sruli recht

It’s not worthwhile to go in and comment on the thoughts of the faint-hearted and sensitive in the comments about what you’ve seen. We assume that I warned :-).

This designer (more precisely, even a design studio) has been producing two seasonal men's collections a year since 2008. In each of which it uses to the maximum what the nature of native Iceland gives. More often than not, she gives him something that the townsfolk treat with disgust, but there are innocent things like nails:

name="cut" rel="nofollow"/>

disgusting sruli recht

Or thin planks of wood - which he glues to a textile base and creates futuristic things:

disgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli recht

In addition, it uses - for example, for sewing a fur coat - the skins of stillborn lambs:

disgusting sruli recht

Stuffed blackbirds (sewing on reindeer skins) and the wings of various birds (as decorations):

disgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli recht

Spider web (the spider is fixed, the resulting web is twisted with goat hair for strength):

disgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli recht

Hair (mane? I don’t know how to describe it in Russian) - horses, weaving into silk:

disgusting sruli recht

Lamb embryo skin (therefore transparent):

disgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli recht

And your own body parts. For example, surgically removed skin from his abdomen turned into a ring:

disgusting sruli rechtdisgusting sruli recht

For the most persistent - there is, so to speak, ="://translate. googleusercontent. com/translate_c? act=url&depth=1&hl=ru&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate. google. com&sl=en&tl=ru&twu=1&u=://www. youtube. com/watch%3Fv%3Dwa8SsW-4DjI%26feature%3Dyoutu. be%26hd%3D1&usg=ALkJrhjL2WDaN-EKqjuXIOTJetllDsHuRA" rel="nofollow">video master class - if you have a weak stomach - I do not advise.

The rest is like this, on trifles: hides, fish skin, lamb skin and offal.

There is another ring with interchangeable stones:

sruli recht

Most of the clothes are cut from the whole material. Without individual parts, tucks, sleeves and extra seams. It is interesting to observe how they were connected:

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="://srulirecht. com/" rel="nofollow">More on the site of the designer.

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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/dizainery/otvratitelnyj-sruli-recht. html">

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