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Our natural shield – the immune system

- апреля 24, 2020

Lana-web. gillana > Women's health > Immune system - our defense is the Word "immunity" has Latin roots and is derived from the word "immunis", meaning "free from something". Once the right functioning of our immune system, depends on the degree of anti-microbial and anti-virus protection, timely elimination of toxins, regulating all functions and ensuring the normal functioning of the body. As the nervous system, the immune system consists of major organs and peripheral, that are linked by a complex system of lymphatic ducts, which continuously circulates lymph - a colorless fluid that transports lymphocytes. They are the main defenders of the body against foreign, tumor, infected cells. The largest and main organ responsible for the immune system is the intestine – it provides 75-80% of the immune defenses due to the fact that the walls of the intestine are lymphoid formations - the so-called Peyer's patches. Therefore, it is necessary not to overload the intestines, and non-abundant meals, to adhere to the basic recommendations of a healthy diet, periodic cleansing of the body folk ways or herbs.- thymus (thymus), in which there is a division of lymphatic cells and develops their ability to distinguish their own cells from alien, which are pathogenic to the organism. The most active thymus in childhood, then its activity is reduced.-bone marrowthat produces blood cells: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets. - the tonsils – the small formation of lymphatic tissue.- the spleen, which performs the functions of filtration and storage of blood cells, destruction of old cells and the formation of new lymphocytes.- lymph nodes – the formation of soft tissue that contains large number of lymphocytes, sizes from 2mm to 1cm - lymphocytes – the main cells of the immune system, by which it can protect the body from invasion of foreign bodies, forming specific types of blood antibodies and different types of lymphocytes. The main ones are T-lymphocytes and b-lymphocytes. Interacting with other immune cells, they prevent invasion of viral, fungal, bacterial micro-organisms and foreign proteins. Responsible to distinguish native proteins from the alien, are T-lymphocytes, "learning" which takes place in the thymus: the body learns to recognize and classify protein molecules. Each cell of the body carries a specific, characteristic only for the given organism's genetic information. This information allows you to distinguish "your" cells from "foreign" and launch, in the case of penetration of foreign cells, the mechanism of action of the immune system: for each specific antigen are produced by lymphocytes, antibodies. Interacting with antigens, they destroy them. The faster you can react the immune system to invading antigens and produce antibodies, the stronger the body's defense against infections. B the purer will be our blood, the easier it is for the immune system to cope with the function of protecting the body. The functions of the immune system in the body. Our immune system not only protects the body from invading infections (fungal, bacterial or viral), but also removes toxic substances, eliminates the old, the sick, changed its structure, cells. To them, in particular cancer cells that are beginning to be recognized as foreign. With infectious-inflammatory processes of the immune system are removed from the body, the breakdown products of cells, dead cells. The recovery of the body after illness, healing of wounds and cuts, protecting the body against aggressive influence of environment, the preservation of the biological integrity of the organism, protection against pathogens and the ability to fight diseases – all immune system function. One manifestation of the protective function of the immune system are allergic reactions. The cause of Allergy is the allergen entered the body again. When the allergen enters the body the first time, to deal with it begins to produce antibodies that accumulate in the body. With repeated penetration of the allergen starts an allergic reaction – rash, redness, itching, runny nose, watery eyes. External allergens can be food (honey, citrus, chocolate), dust, pollen, chemicals (varnishes, paints, acetone, petrol), cosmetics, household products. Internal allergens can become the body's own tissue, which changed their structure, for example, by heat or chemical burn. In this case, the immune system starts to produce antibodies, which destroy the altered cells as foreign and eliminate them. Then starts the regeneration of damaged tissues. As the whole organism, The immune system has a complex structure, which helps us resist disease, protect cells from pathological changes, to maintain the gene, the individual matrix of our body. But the protection of the immune system may weaken under the influence of stress, antibiotics, poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Then you need a full immune restoration. Effective preventive and restorative means are anti-inflammatory herbal teas. Strengthening the immune system folk remedies and natural adaptogens. The restoration and strengthening of immunity should be comprehensive and not limited only to vitamin C in high doses. Medicinal herbs, honey, seafood and even spices will help to restore and strengthen the immune system. Read more. Headache - how to help yourself without medication. Headache is quite a common occurrence in our lives. What causes headache, its varieties, methods to reduce and eliminate pain without using drugs. Read more. Integrated an effective body cleansing herbs. Infusions of herbs, if they are to cook regularly and to take courses, will allow the complex to cleanse the body and improve health. Read more. All articles have sitepornbase article? Share the link with your friends! Popular articles Section Createraster Health Section of the Women's club Contact information Lana-web. 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