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New military (traffic!) / Trends / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

trend: the new military

My attempt at the competition is to find a “trend” in fashion. I personally see her like this: no speckled motley pattern in the eyes, no cotton parkas (except silk). And at the same time - no lace makers, beads, rhinestones! It is emphasized in a concise, half-hinted fashion, interesting cut and textures, narrow cropped trousers and pencil skirts with a smooth top and voluminous outerwear.

Please do not write comments in the spirit of “the fifth photo is the fifties, and the sixth is grunge.” Think of it as a mudboard in which all ideas from everywhere are in no way related to each other - but give a general impression of what I want to say! name="cut"/>

trend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new militarytrend: the new military

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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/tendencii/tendencija-novoe-millitari-trafik. html">

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