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Menu table

- апреля 24, 2020

In order to draw up a proper diet for a nursing mother, we prepared a special table. Recipes can be changed according to your needs, so we offer only a list of dishes:

(Click to captivate photo)

="://luzk. ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tablica-kormayshei-mami. jpg">table nursing mom photo

You need to be very careful when using dishes that contain harmful products. What Should not be in the diet of a nursing mother newborn baby (especially with diathesis in a child or allergies):

Coffee and cocoa beans are strictly prohibited. It can be cocoa, chocolate, various pastes (Nutella and others). They can contribute to the development of allergies;
    In no case should you drink alcohol. Some women advise drinking a glass of wine before feeding, arguing that this way the baby will sleep better. This is not so, in fact, toxins that can cause the development of irreversible processes penetrate into a fragile children's organism; Do not focus on vegetables. Many of them (potatoes, cabbage, legumes) cause eating disorders.

Video: Proper nutrition and pregnancy-threatening foods

[embed]s://www. youtube. com/watch? v=MZZQQsFTXV8[/embed]

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