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Hair Clipper Nozzles

- апреля 28, 2020

Each hair clipper is equipped with nozzles. There may be many, few of them, but their role is great. For shaving, for thinning or other actions - they not only allow you to create a neat hairstyle, but also protect against irritating, and sometimes dangerous contact of the blades with the skin.

The choice of the buyer should fall on the device, with as many nozzles as possible. Typically, a machine kit consists of 1-8 nozzles. Of course, the number of cars increases with their number, but in this regard it is better not to skimp. What seems superfluous today will definitely come in handy tomorrow.


Type of food

Here, too, everything is not clear. There are three types of nutrition:

    Batterynetworkbattery and network.

Battery - it is safe and convenient, there is no attachment to a stationary power source, the machine can be taken on the road and cut your hair even in the middle of the field. But there is one minus - a limited time. On one charge, the machine can withstand one or two haircuts (40-50 minutes). To resume operation, a power outlet is required again.

Power Models cost the buyer cheaper, but they create an attachment to the network source and if improperly used (bare cord, damaged case) can pose a threat to life. There is also the risk of not being trimmed during an emergency power outage.

More profitable in this regard are models with universal power (Battery and network) And on the road and at home, one helps the other. Where the battery suddenly sits, the outlet will save. And where the socket failed, the battery will help out.

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