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Effectively lose weight in a week will help diet cleansing

- апреля 24, 2020

Lana-web. gillana > Diet > Diet for effective weight loss recommended to lose Weight gradually, with a maximum of 0.5 kg a week. But if you need to lose weight effectively and quickly, in one week, easy and hassle-free, it can be done with the help of cleansing diets. This not only reduces the weight by breaking down fats, but also clears gastro – intestinal tract, the "freeing" you a couple of extra pounds to decrease the load on the digestive system, normalizes the work of kidneys, liver and intestines. A cleansing dietConsisting of foods with zero calories: vegetables and fruits, juices, porridges on water or vegetable broth, lean chicken meat, will not only reduce weight but also to improve the condition of skin and hair due to the natural complexes of biologically active substances and antioxidants. The duration of the cleansing diet for 1-3 days, then you can simply stick to a balanced diet and srednekamennogo diet of 1700-2000 calories, eliminating flour, sweet and spicy, fried, fatty food. Weight loss is due to the sharp decline in calorie daily diet and more intensive exchange of substances the body requires energy for sustenance, and he begins to get her using the accumulated reserves. Diet menu developed by American nutritionists, making it so that the body did not feel the deficiency of vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. The only condition is strictly observed as a time of eating, and adhere to its composition. Menu day diet. Day, upon awakening, begins with a Cup of green tea.8.00 – Cup of bread, rye tea and an Apple. Grain tea is made just slightly dried in the toaster, the slices of rye bread, 200 gr. filled the night with a liter of boiling water. Morning tea is filtered and diluted, as the use of hot water to warm temperature.9.00 - 100 grams. grapes and mix half a Cup of tea bread and grape juice.10.00 – green tea, two cups.11.00 – an Apple, half a Cup of bread tea and carrot juice.12.00 – 100 grams. Grapes, a glass of grape juice.15.00 green tea, 2 cups.16.00 – half a Cup of carrot juice and bread tea.17.00 – mineral water, a glass.18.00 – sweet pepper, 2-3 pieces.

19.00 – half a Cup of bread tea and Apple juice. Before bed – green tea. To lose weight effectively and fast 3 day cleansing diet. Day the first – fruit + melon. Morning – fruit salad: grapes, Apple, grapefruit, pineapple. Herbal tea, green with lemon, or a glass of mineral water. In the first half of the day – add to your morning fruit salad of kiwi and figs. In season you can substitute a half melon. Herbal tea or mineral water without gas. Lunch – half a melon or fruit salad Dinner – a soothing herbal tea with mint or lemon balm, chamomile. Second day – vegetable. In the morning, celery and 2 tomatoes or baked in foil, or put in a small amount of water and vegetable oil. Vegetable juice: tomato, carrot, celery. In the first half of the day - vegetable salad: cabbage, carrot, celery, parsley. Add the spices: red pepper, soy sauce or Apple cider vinegar, turmeric. All vegetable salads refuel tsp of Flaxseed oil. Green or herbal tea made from St. John's wort and lemon balm, caraway or fennel seed. Lunch – a large cabbage meats cooked in a steamer or saute in a small amount of water with a tsp of olive or vegetable oil. You can use white and red cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, and spinach. Vegetable stew seasoned with the same spices – pepper and turmeric have been long used in the East like spices, accelerating the metabolism and improving digestion. Herbal tea or tomato juice. Dinner "salad – broom", or any vegetable salad, seasoned with olive or linseed oil, with spices and lemon juice. Vegetable juice or mineral water. Bedtime is a special herbal tea for weight loss and cleansing. Day three – vegetable and fruit. Morning – fruit salad of grapefruit, orange or tangerine, Apple and grapes. Green tea with lemon. In the first half of the day – vegetable salad with spices, tomato juice or tea. Lunch – a stew of cabbage, 100 gr. boiled chicken breast or fish, a vegetable juice or green tea with lemon. Dinner – vegetable salad, cheese, juice or tea. After 2 hours a Cup of yogurt. Before bed – herbs that reduce appetite. Lose weight in a week will help as well the second option is the 3-day diet – fruit-juice. On the first day. On this day you can drink only fruit juices, 5-6 cups. Ideally freshly squeezed, diluted in proportion 1:1. Except juices allowed only mineral water, add a few drops of lemon juice. The second day. Day fruit, fruit salads and juices, and mineral water. Day three. Fruit salads, yogurts, raisins, dried apricots, tea with lemon and honey, nuts. Night – oatmeal, boiled in water, with raisins and walnuts. These diets that allow you to effectively lose weight in a week, and cleanse the body, are held, alternating with the "day of restoration" during which the menu is added to lean meat or fish, yogurt or yogurt cheese or cheese, egg, buckwheat or rice porridge, vegetable soup, mashed potatoes with parsley and dill for dinner. To speed up the process of weight loss and improve the condition of the liver, take 3 times a day, milk Thistle powder, half teaspoon, half an hour before eating, squeezed small amounts of water. Milk Thistle has a choleretic effect, contains vitamins, reduces appetite, acts as a light diuretic. Is green tea is possible to prepare rosehip infusion tea with mint and Melissa. During the cleansing diet is an intensive excretion of toxins, cleansing of the skin. Try these days to find the time to go to the sauna. And be sure to take a shower in the morning and evening to prevent repeated intoxication. Possible to lose weight in a week will help oatmeal diet. This diet allows you to lose 3-5 kg if you stick to it during the week. But this option weight loss – extreme. And it can be applied only in exceptional cases when you really want or need. To withstand the oatmeal diet for 7 days hard. Therefore, the best option is to spend only 3 days, the weight will decrease on 1,5-3 kg, but this weight loss will not be a stress to the body and will not have any shortage of proteins and carbohydrates. First day. This day is cleansing, which is held in a rice broth. To cook rice you need in the evening: pour 4 tbsp of rice, a liter of cold water. In the morning wash thoroughly to maximize the wash out of the grains of rice starch. The less it remains, the more useful will be the rice water will improve its absorptive function, the body will be more thoroughly cleared of toxic and ballast substances. Washed rice, pour a liter of cold water, bring to boil and simmer on low heat for about an hour to grain maximum seethe. Carefully pour the resulting jelly is your meal for Breakfast. Drink all of 4-5 hours and there is nothing to eat, but not to drink – that is the effect of rice-water as a cleansing agent. At lunch, prepare buckwheat porridge with stewed water vegetables: celery and parsley, tomatoes, zucchini. Add greenery. You can drink a decoction of rose hips or vegetable juice. For dinner you can repeat the same menu. Before you sleep, the infusion of herbs: lemon balm, oregano or mint, yarrow or St. John's wort. Day two and all the subsequent – only porridge on the water, 4-5 times a day, you can add some honey, raisins, dried apricots. During the breaks – fruit, juices, broth hips with herbs, mineral water, infusions of herbs that reduce appetite. If you still decided to sustain the oatmeal diet during the week, then listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist. "Such a diet for a long period of time to adhere to is unacceptable. Deficiency of protein the body begins to compensate by breaking down muscle fibers. Weight loss will occur due to the intensive water loss in the body, which is difficult to fill – the process happens at the cellular and intracellular level. Violated the processes of osmosis and turgor, the skin suffers and there is a risk of intoxication. The lack of fat and protein will disrupt the metabolic and enzymatic processes." Tip: Starting from the 4th day, porridge, cooked Breakfast and lunch, add a quarter Cup of milk when cooking, cube of butter in the finished oatmeal. During the day – add nuts: walnuts, pine, cashew, peanuts. Evening yogurt or a Cup of yogurt, a small piece of chicken or cheese. This will allow slightly increasing calorie portions, to prevent the deficit of vitally important for the body, fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. All of these reasons in the article diet will not only help to lose weight in a week for 3-5 kg, with health benefits, except long oatmeal diet but also to normalize the entire digestive system. In the future, to maintain your optimal weight, stick to a balanced diet, a variety of fasting days and increase physical activity for all muscle groups. Recommend articles: the Omelette is the king of dinners. The most optimal variant of such a dinner omelet. You can Supplement it with vegetable salad, canned green beans or corn, olives, mushrooms and boiled chicken meat, cut into cubes. These dishes from scrambled eggs are nutritious and healthy. Read more. Helpful diets - colored and soup. Useful diet: cauliflower, soup or liquid, regular or courses will not only help to lose weight and to regain harmony, but also to improve the body, improve the condition of skin and hair. Read more. The autumn diet for health, beauty and mood of Autumn is rich with its gifts. Products, juices and spices will help to cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system, elevate mood, to preserve the beauty. Continue reading the Program correctly and complete pohudeniya weight loss program designed for 1.5-2 months. The result – weight loss of 5-7 kg. do Not rush to be disappointed. The result will be stable and not short-term weight loss, no harm to health and appearance. Read more. All articles have sitepornbase article? Share the link with your friends! Popular articles Section Createraster Health Section of the Women's club Contact information Lana-web. Yavorsky website 2012 >> Copyright © >> lana-web. ru - author's site about fashion, style, beauty, health. Copying site materials is allowed only if there is an indexed reference to the source

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