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DIY tile imitation (Diy) / Cottage / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

diy tile imitation (diy)

Good result and detailed description!

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A couple of weeks ago I decided to improve the appearance of the gray concrete surface at the entrance to the house (length 7.25 m, width 2.25 m).

Laying tiles is both expensive and time consuming, and finding a nice large tile for the street is not easy. Therefore, I decided to paint :)

First I found a suitable picture on the Internet and cut out a stencil. Here it is.

A stencil made of plastic, I found a house, I even had to connect it in two parts, it turned out to be narrow.

Any transparent film that holds its shape, or a thin transparent plastic that you can cut with a craft knife, will do.

The film is put on top of the picture, attached with tape so that it does not move. Cut on a board or a special coating so that the table does not spoil, that's all.

Then a primer followed and at the same time painted concrete in a light color.

When dry, applied marking lines.

diy tile imitation (diy)diy tile imitation (diy)

Then painting with a roller through a stencil. Special paints for outdoor concrete work. One liter can of paint was enough.

In some places, the imprint is imperfect :), nevertheless, our concrete has a very rough surface in some places.

But I’ll tint it with a brush later.

diy tile imitation (diy)diy tile imitation (diy)

target="_blank" href="://efachka. ru/post325200882/" rel="noopener noreferrer">

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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/dacha/immitacija-plitki-svoimi-rukami-diy. html">

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