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Just Married

Bullshit (Traffic) / Do it yourself / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

The bicycle was not invented, but perhaps someone will use examples where you can attach small things that are a pity to throw away or are idle.

A bracelet of two filigree cords from a military cap, about such

The cords are twisted according to the principle “it happened so”, two suitable buttons are sewn to them.

Suspension with scissors "otkovyryannymi", from about such an aggregate

Only I had a lighter)

Bracelet from a button and two old-fashioned cords from a mobile phone

A cord bracelet from large headphones. Trailers - nozzles from a laser key fob, springs from ballpoint pens.

Feathers are inserted in tips the tips of the same ballpoint pens (in some pens they are made of metal)

Zhenya carabiner bracelet

A headband for hair from a strip of leather (to which two rubber bands are attached for elasticity) and horns from spikes donated by 2S for “overwork” for its benefit and prosperity))

Well, and a quick belt from a leatherette strip (about 20-30 cm wide and hips long) and a large pin

Knots are tied at the ends of the strip, knots are pressed with a pin.

Thanks to everyone who is alive! :))

- the head and dwellers)

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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/svoimi_rukami/erunda-iz-erundy-trafik. html">

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