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About children on May 9 / For children / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

"This is a celebration with tears in his eyes." Do I need to dress children on Victory Day in military uniform?

Let’s say, as a psychologist who has considerable ideas about the child’s psyche, why not do this?

Because it's romanticization and target="_blank" name="cut" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"> adornment of the worst in our life - war. The educational message that children receive through such actions of adults is that war is great, it is a holiday, because then it ends in victory. But it’s not so. The war ends with unexplored lives on both sides. Graves. Brotherly and individual. On which even sometimes there is no one to go to remember. Because wars do not choose how many living from one family to pay for the inability of people to live in peace. They do not choose wars at all - ours and non-ours. They just charge you priceless. This is what you need to convey to the children.

Children should not wear uniforms. For most of our ancestors who met the war years, this clothing was a posthumous robe. Military uniforms are clothes for death: to make premature death, to meet it yourself. Prematurely. Leaving traces of grief wherever such uniform boots tread.

Children need to buy clothes about life, not about death. As a person working with the psyche, I understand very well that a feeling of gratitude can overwhelm. A desire may come to celebrate "in a single impulse." The joy of unity - agreement on a value level - is a great human joy. It is humanly important for us to live something together...

Though a joyful victory, at least a mournful memory. And we have such an important date ahead. As you prepare for her, listen to what she rings for you personally. We are all from a society where instructions on how to live, think and feel were issued from above. But today we can choose.

For example, awareness. That no community is worth paying for it through children dressed in clothing for death. Peaceful sky to our children.

And sober to our memory. Even if alone, not with those who like that.

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