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25 tricks and life hacks of men's business fashion (Diy) / Men's fashion / SECOND STREET

- апреля 24, 2020

25 tricks of men's fashion (diy)

Loved the article. Much, such as how to beautifully wrap the sleeve, we already had separately, but here it is assembled in one place.

Men's fashion, it turns out, even business, shirt / tie / costume, changes quite quickly. And here are some pretty recent tricks: target="_blank" name="cut" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">

25 tricks of men's fashion (diy)

The names of classic costume colors. The difference between the British, American and European approaches.

tips, which button on the jacket should never be fastened, which - always

Tips, which button on the jacket should never be fastened, which one - always, etc.

Tips on which button on a jacket should never be fastened, which - always - etc.

how to combine a shirt and tie pattern.

How to combine a shirt and tie pattern.

another hint for combinations of fabrics and patterns. in the center is a suit, then a shirt, with a tie on the edge.

Another hint for combinations of fabrics and patterns. In the center is a suit, then a shirt, with a tie on the edge.

hint for checkered tissue names.

Again, a hint for the names of checkered tissues. Also seems to have run through with us.

what to look for when trying on and buying a jacket or men's suit

What you need to pay attention to when trying on and buying a jacket or men's suit.

how to choose shoes or boots for a suit.

How to choose shoes or boots for a suit.

a little more about how the suit should sit on the man.

a little more about how a suit should sit on a man.

A little more about how a suit should sit on a man.

longer trousers tooltip

About the length of the pants hint.

what are the varieties of collar shirts called.

What are the varieties of collar shirts called.

but wait! maybe you are in the market for a tuxedo? consider these rules ... what you should break.

How to choose a tuxedo.

on the compatibility of colors in clothes.

On the compatibility of colors in clothes.

differences between informal and semi-formal styles and all this

Differences between informal and semi-formal styles and all this...

differences between informal and semi-formal styles and all this

Deprecated / current.

differences between informal and semi-formal styles and all this

How beautifully to fold a scarf in the pocket of a jacket. To peek a beautiful corner or "flower".

Variants of current ways to tie a tie, here, too, it turns out, there is a fashion.

Reminder how to tie a bow tie.

differences between informal and semi-formal styles and all this

About cufflinks. In the article, this is presented as the greatest trick, how to put them on. I personally somehow did not catch the message.

differences between informal and semi-informal styles and all this is

How beautiful to wear a scarf with a jacket.

what are the different types of shoes under the suit

What are the different types of shoes for a suit.

how to choose glasses for a man - depending on the shape of the face

How to choose glasses for a man - depending on the shape of the face.

how to fold men's shirts.

How to fold men's shirts.

what do the symbols on the clothes mean and how to care for them

What do the symbols on clothes mean and how to care for it.

target="_blank" href="://www. buzzfeed. com/juliegerstein/clothes-make-the-man? bffb&utm_term=4ldqpgp#.fvm1mLYmdO" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">

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="://secondstreet. ru/blog/mujskaya_moda/25-trjukov-i-lajfhakov-muzhskoj-delovoj-mody-diy. html">

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