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Why You Should Become a PhiBrows Certified Microblading Artist?

- августа 19, 2019

For a beauty enthusiast looking to cash in their passion and develop their skills, becoming a PhiBrows microblading artist might be the perfect career path. Microblading is the most sought-after kind of permanent makeup, which makes it very profitable nowadays.

The first step towards becoming a successful microblading artist is a proper training. Although many cosmetology and beauty schools offer courses of this kind, PhiBrows stands out as a business model that combines a special technique developed over many years by working artists with products of the highest quality. It has emerged as the most respected microblading programme with ever-growing popularity.

Therefore, there are many reasons why you should become a PhiBrows artist. Let’s summarise the most obvious ones here!

students after a successful PhiBrows training

Thorough Training

PhiBrows USA microblading training events are taught by the most respected and experienced master artists in the permanent makeup community. The 2-day live courses cover all the basic theory on microblading techniques, tools, preparations and aftercare, color matching and working with clients.

One of the most important things taught at the course is how to customize your work based on your client’s facial features. The golden proportion (Phi 1,618) is a special method of calculating the optimal shape of eyebrows based on facial morphology, and it’s done with the help of PhiBrows Golden Ratio Divider tool.

At live trainings you also get the unique opportunity to work on live models, once you’ve got some practice on special latex props that imitate human skin.

No prior experience in beauty is required, but PhiBrows trainings are rigorous 6-month courses that are divided into 11 levels, all of which students have to master in order to become licensed PhiBrows artists. This ensures anyone who finishes the full course is more than qualified to start working and earning. There’s also the possiblity of applying for the PhiBrows online training.

Top Quality Tools and Supplies

As the pioneers of microblading, PhiBrows offer tools and supplies of the highest quality, designed by artists for artists. The $1200 kit that is gifted to all students gives you the opportunity to get familiar with the basic tools and supplies. From there, you can try out different tools and blades PhiBrows has to offer and find what works best for you and your clients.

The PhiBrows pigments are formulated in a special way that ensures top stability and color consistency, minimizing the possibility of subpar results and unpredictable color fading. The color range is wide enough to cover all your clients’ demands, while there’s always the possibility of shade customization.

The PhiBrows range also features all the necessary aftercare products clients need  for the healing process to go through without any problems and complications. Products such as the Skin Candy protective cream and several types of aftercare wipes have revolutionized aftercare.

phibrows tools and supplies

A Business Model for Guaranteed Success

Apart from mastering the craft itself, what you need in order to succeed in any market are business skills and an elaborate business plan. Once you’ve completed the 6-month training and become a licensed PhiBrows artists with your own numbered logo, you become part of the hierarchy that allows you to climb the ladder and advance even further. As you start working, you’ll quickly start gaining experience and developing your signature style.

PhiBrows is not just a training centre, it is also a platform that recognizes and awards hard work. It places all their certified artists on the Worlwide Map, which is a unique way of connecting artists to potential clients and creating a strong community of experts.

Advancing in the hierarchy earns you new titles such as Royal Artist, Craft Master, and even Grand Master. There’s always room to further perfect and expand your skill set, and who knows, you might even develop a whole new technique yourself!

The PhiBrows Community

PhiBrows is more than just a course – it’s an ideology.

To become a PhiBrows artist means to become part of a community and support system made up of artists, teachers and advisers who are constantly working on developing and perfecting new techniques and products, thus redefining the industry.

The unique e-learning platform and the possibility of assistance from more experienced PhiBrows artists is the perfect environment to learn, grow and expand your business.

For all the reasons mentioned, if you’re considering a career in permanent makeup, PhiBrows is the way to go.

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