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Hair Trials, Why Have One?

- августа 19, 2019

Why Have A Trial 

I’m often asked by my brides if they really need to have a trial and the short answer is if you’re anything like me and want to know what to expect, then yes.  It is a personal choice of course and only you can decide.  For me it was a no brainer.  I wanted to know what I was going to look like on the day, I also didn’t want to worry if it was going to turn out as I expected.  On the morning of your wedding you simply want to relax knowing exactly what to expect so that you can get on enjoying your time with your bridesmaids and maybe a cheeky glass of champagne. Before a trial I always email my brides so they know exactly what to bring, what to do before hand and what to expect.

What To Bring

You may want to bring your mum or one of your bridesmaids.  It’s not absolutely necessary and sometimes it can lead to confusion as you may like one style and your mum or BM may like another, try to remember that whilst it’s good to have opinions this is about you and what feels right.  If you haven’t already shared your Pinterest board now is the time. Gather all the looks you love, be that online or from magazine cut outs.  I want to see what inspires you, what sort of style you’re aiming for, it also gives me a little insight to your personality.  If you have a theme to your wedding or a colour palette all of this helps to build a picture of how you want your bridal look to be on the day so please share your thoughts and wishes.  And last but not least, please bring images of your wedding dress. This will really help and the style of your chosen hairstyle will determine the tone whether that’s a classic, boho or red carpet look.

Hair accessories.  If you’ve already bought your hair accessory please bring it with you. Sometimes (depending on what you’ve chosen) it can determine the hair style so if you’re not exactly sure whether you want your hair up or down, maybe leave buying it until after your trial.  I have some gorgeous hair accessories in my studio so we can trial out what works with your chosen hairstyle.  If you normally wear makeup, wear it for your trial especially if you’re just having a hair trial as it will give a finished look.  Even if you’re having a makeup trial it’s good to see what your normal makeup application looks like.

Bring an open mind.  As crazy as that sounds, you’d be surprised how many brides come with a fixed idea of exactly what they want and don’t get me wrong it’s good to know what you want, but I say be open to suggestions and be realistic. What looks right on a model may not work or look right on you.  Take into consideration that you may have different hair texture, length and cut to the look you’ve chosen. Whilst I can definitely help with the use of hair extensions, if your natural hair length is on the shorter side that high bun will not work without your own hair falling out from the bottom.  It may be that you have to compromise and have the bun placed slightly lower.  Please arrive with clean dry hair.

What To Expect

Expect to invest some time as hair trials can take 2 to 3 hours long. I am not the sort of stylist who will grab a can of strong hold hairspray and a thousand bobby pins and try to glue your style together in the hope that it may last or hold its shape.  I work by applying layers of product and using different heated appliances so that your hair will do what I want it to do.  Before I begin with any styling I prepare your hair and this can take the most time depending on the texture of your hair so please be patient after all we want your hairstyle to last all day and all night. Don’t be alarmed by the number of products I use.  We’re aiming for texture or grit in the hair so that it will hold the style or curl.  Be open to the use of hair extensions, these are not just used to add length volume and thickness.  Hair extensions act like a scaffold to the chosen hair style, in particular if your natural hair is on the finer side.  Even those famous Holly Wood waves work best with hair extensions as the curl will last for far longer.  And on that note of hair extensions, please take your stylists advice. If you have chosen to have hair extensions please either buy the extensions your stylists recommends (the exact same ones used in your trial) OR hire the hair extensions from your stylist.  That way you can avoid any mishaps on the day.  Do not buy the wrong ones and expect your stylist to be able to do the same look on your wedding day.  That is one stressful situation you will want to avoid at all costs!

When To Have Your Trial

Depending on how far in advance you book and the date of your wedding, I advise having your trial 3 months before your wedding.  This should allow enough time for a little trim to keep those ends looking healthy.  Any longer and you could be in danger of changing your mind so 3 months should be enough time unless you need to grow your hair for a particular style.

What If I Am Not Happy After My Trial

You’ve come with your ideas and when your stylist has finished you’re chosen style you don’t like it.  What do you do?  Well first of all, this is why having a trial is so important, what you see on someone else may not look right on you, but this is about finding out what works for your hair type and face shape.  Your hairstyle should have you smiling from ear to ear and brimming with confidence and when you look in the mirror your reaction should be WOW that’s it!  And definitely not… ummm it’s ok.  If you don’t have that happy reaction; speak up.  This is not the time to be shy or feel awkward, this is the hairstyle you will see in all your photographs for years to come so make sure that it’s one that you love.  Remember that your trial is also a two way process, it’s a time for your stylist to get to know you, your hair and how it responds to the products used.  During a trial you should try 2 styles at least and if time permits, 3.  It may be that you leave absolutley loving your style, but when you get home you change your mind and decide you want to try something else.  This is different to not liking anything at all during your trial and of course you should contact your stylist to ask for another trial, but do expect to pay again for your artists time.

I hope this helps if you’re a bride who is not sure of what to expect, what to do and when to do it, but if you have any questions and you need any guidance at all or in deed if you would like to experience your trial with me then get in touch.  I’d love to hear from you.

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