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Herbs for Balancing Hormones – Herbalism 101

- августа 11, 2019

Herbs as Healers 🌱🌸🌾💐 Over the course of the last couple years I’ve been spending some time diving into Herbalism. The area of herbology is vast and the amount of information is wide — so I want to preface is that I am not a doctor and I am learning. But in learning, I’ve also had some great results, especially with regard herbs for balancing hormones.

This mix of herbs I have been drinking daily for the last couple months (with the exception of while I was travelling in Bali for summer – hehe) and I have been loving it for the benefits it brings with hormone balancing. These herbs for hormone balancing are powerful and have shown their balancing benefits for me by way of reduced moon-time cramping, PMS symptoms (such as mood) and skin (less hormonal acne around the jawline).

I’ve restocked up on this since I was last in New York (thanks to @arielletheherbalist) at Flower Power (one of my favourite herbal shops located in NYC). If you’re not in NYC, I also love Mountain Rose Herbs, as they have very high-quality herbs, roots and extracts online.

The blend is pretty simple:

Herbs for Hormone Balancing Tea Infusion

🌱 Nettles – because of high mineral content, it is really good to have if you need more iron (for example, are anaemic). Also very good for urinary tract.

🌾 Red Raspberry Leaf – alkaloid is known as fragrine, which can help strengthen the uterus and can help to ease pain and cramping during your moon time.

🌸 Don Quai – known as the female ginseng, and can help relieve irregularities including bouncing moods.

🌿Oat Straw – Helps reduce cramping and stress, also high in many essential minerals including zinc and iron.

🌼 Licorice – anti-inflammatory and also good for digestion… and tastes lovely too. (Edit: mindful if you have high blood pressure, as it can make this worse and if you’re trying to get pregnant, this is not an ideal herb).

Try making your own blend. I put together 1/4 cup in a large mason jar and steep overnight. I drink it room temperature in the AM.

The amounts in the jar: 3/4 of this jar is the red raspberry, nettles and oat straw, the rest is smaller amounts of licorice and don quai 💓🌸💓

Do you have any other favourite herbs? Tell me in comments below. Happy Herbing 🌱🌾🌿



*Disclaimer! I am not a doctor and in my own learning journey as I study herbalism, so speak to your doctor/health practitioner before using herbs medicinally*

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