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7 Relationship Illustrations That’ll Make You Go ‘Aww’!

- мая 17, 2019

7 Relationship Illustrations That’ll Make You Go ‘Aww’! May 24, 2019

What is it that makes love the most beautiful feeling ever on this earth? It’s the journey of course! Thinking about all the little moments we spend with our special person in life is what keeps us smiling for the rest of the day, doesn’t it? Every love story has its own unique special ways of showing concern, anger, frustration and care towards each other. And every love story is going to leave you feeling “aww” at one point or the other. One thing is for sure, that you cannot find your pathway when you’re in love, your heart creates its own pathway by picking the direction it beats its lovely best. This is the uncertain fact about love, but there are quite a lot of certain facts too about love, like all the kisses, the warm cuddles, the romance, the annoyance, the pacification, etc.

What’s the cutest thing you’ll see on Instagram these days? It’s got do with couples, peeps? Well, if the thought of comic illustrations of couples came by, then you’re right! If you’ve been following any one of the hundreds of such pages out there, you can definitely relate to this article in a better way. Here are seven such illustrations that we’ve handpicked from two such great pages on Instagram, @catanacomics, and @thepotatocouple! All that the artists behind these illustrations have tried to depict is pure love in the utmost cute manner. Here, have a look at them, in fact, have a look at them again with your partner as well. We’re sure you’ll relive several of these moments.

1. The Nightmare Snuggles

thepotatocouple / Instagram

Girls, we know you’ve done this. You wake up in the middle of the hour because of a nightmare. You’re shivering or probably crying too. But, then you suddenly realize that your sweetheart guy is right next to you snoring. You instantly turn towards him, hug him tight, kiss your nightmare a goodbye and fall asleep only to snore together.

2. The Photographer You Become When He’s Asleep

catanacomics / Instagram

All girls have done this, if any of you girls are saying no, well then, all we can say is, “LIARS!” This is almost like a fantasy for most of them, to watch their guy sleep like a cute baby and then click their picture to cherish the cuteness forever (in their mobile phones of course). Oh, and not just that, some of the pictures where he’s drooling, they work like perfect tools for blackmailing as well, right girls? (evil winks)

3. The Cry Baby He Becomes When You Want To Cut Your Hair Short

thepotatocouple / Instagram

Short or long? Short it is! But this decision of yours might not go down that well with your boyfriend. A majority of men love their partners with long, beautiful hair. And every time their girl decides to chop chop, they become these emotional boys with puppy faces that translates to, “Don’t do it, please. Please! For me! You love me know?”

4. The Swing And A Kiss Game

catanacomics / Instagram

Parks aren’t meant to just walk hand in hand or kiss in corners, are they? There are plenty of madly in love millennial couples out there who love to play cute and naughty at the same time. Like this “swing and a kiss” game, where the girl swings towards her boyfriend only to plant a kiss on his lips and swings back. It’s a way of teasing her guy too. Anybody watching them do it would surely go “aww,” don’t you think?

5. The “Soooo Much Of Love” Confession

thepotatocouple / Instagram

We know we’ve lost our minds when we ask our men this silly question, “How much do you love me?” But our men too are the cutest humans ever, they make sure they stretch their arms as wide as possible to show that they love us “soooo much.” The very sight of this makes us girls blush and turn into a pink pie, doesn’t it?

6. The Temporary Memory Loss You Face With Him Around

catanacomics / Instagram

If there’s one superpower that you’ll come face-to-face with when you’re madly in love — it’s your ability to forget things while your partner is around. Somehow your partner’s presence is so overwhelming that you tend to forget whatever you had noted down in your mind to do. Some of us need to keep reminders on our phone just so that we don’t get lost looking at our love interests.

7. The Silly Things He Does To Make Your Feel Better While You’re On Your Periods

thepotatocouple / Instagram

Women adorn their most notorious hats while they’re on their periods, do you dare to disagree on this? Their cuteness, their tantrums, their drama scenes, well, you know it, don’t you boys? You might ask him to do the silliest thing like a tummy rub and he’ll happily oblige and do it just to make you feel better. We seriously think that it’s the Aunt Flo days when guys are their caring best towards their ladies.

It’s such moments that keep the battery of the relationship charges, right? Every couple has such “aww” moments that they love looking back at and exchange adorable looks. Which of the above illustrations made you go “aww” the most? Let us know in the comments section below.

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