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People say Poundland's £1 foot peel gives them 'baby-soft skin'

- апреля 30, 2019

Now that summer is in our sights and we're detoxing our dry hair and reaching for the tinted moisturiser, chances are there's one part of your body that you'll likely have neglected over the winter months: your feet.

But if the prospect of balancing precariously on one leg in the shower while you file away seem likes an extreme sport you'd rather not undertake (yep, us too), a handy solution to getting your toes in tip-top shape for summer is at hand.

While you might think of Poundland as a one-stop shop for all your cleaning products and party favours, it also houses a mine of hidden beauty bargains, it you've got the patience to scour the aisles.

We'd highly recommend you get down to your nearest store ASAP though, because people are raving about a new exfoliating peel that's going to save us from all the summer sandal situations ahead.

Enriched with salicylic acid, tea tree and peppermint, the Derma V10 Exfoliating Foot Peel comes in the form of two clear slip-on "boots" that you pop on your feet before leaving to soak for 90 minutes.

You won't notice the results immediately, because it takes around a week for your skin to start shedding. But when the dry, dead skin does starts to peel away, you'll be left with soft, silky-smooth feet that definitely deserve to see the light of day.

Full disclosure: the following pictures aren't pretty, but they do show that the peel does exactly what it promises on the packet. Plus, according to customers on the Poundland Appreciation Society, they're definitely worth the hype.

"These are amazing. They work really well. Also really enjoy peeling the skin off!" one reviewer wrote.

"I've used them and bang on 7 days later they started to peel which was 1 week ago and they are still peeling almost all done but they feel amazing now [sic],"another user added.

Needless to say, at £1, this beauty gem is an absolute steal, so hotfoot it down to Poundland pronto!

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