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Theme and style - about beauty, about style, about modern life

- апреля 28, 2020

In the comments to the first article that the bright thematic in clothing can help women who do not have obvious natural beauty, they brought out the release of the TV show “Fashionable Sentence”.

I looked at it, this is exactly what I had in mind when talking about adding thematic.

Here the girl added a bright exotic to the image. If she is bold enough for such an image, he, of course, will significantly change her appearance for the better.

Look at the bright colors, but it all suits her.

There are types of appearance that need to make themselves brighter, more unusual. Do not rest against natural beauty.

But it would be nice to feel the difference:

Here is a second example, when a participant was stuck in the same “look from stylists” (it is stamped like a carbon copy, the same thing on all) But here is a beautiful appearance, which, on the contrary, does not need to be clogged with details and color. Change the format of things a bit and leave casual and natural.

( it is better to open a photo in a separate window )

Here are examples of partial themes in the age image that impress me:

These are theme elements (retro, futuristic, exotic) that help make outfit.

But the brightness level needs to be felt. Somewhere to add, somewhere to reduce. And somewhere, no brightness is needed at all.

The simplest and most primitive is to cut power to full, packing everyone into the style of a children's pyramid. What is being sold on the image market, alas:

About bad taste

Bandage dress: 1994 to 2016

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