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Drive into a mask: how to use face masks

- апреля 05, 2020

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We increase the effectiveness of an indispensable beauty product
Everyone loves masks. But not everyone uses them correctly. But the effect or its absence depends on the method, place and time of application. ELLE - about the rules and secrets of using face masks.


Drive into a mask: how to use face masks correctly (photo 2)
The goal of gel and hydrogel masks is to narrow blood vessels, relieve redness and irritation, and soothe dermatitis and rosacea. And they stop the formation of pigmentation after an unsuccessful tan. To make such masks even more effective, store them in the refrigerator or put them in the freezer for 10 minutes before use.


Surely you apply the mask in one of two ways. The first is on massage lines. The second - anyhow. Try other, more effective options. So, if the skin is prone to inflammation, apply the mask from the center of the face to the periphery, this will help awaken the lymph flow. If the skin suffers from dehydration and dullness, move from bottom to top to stimulate blood flow.


Taking a shower or visiting a sauna makes sense not only in a cleansing mask on the face. Cream and gel formulas are rich in moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid, which absorb water from the environment and give it to the skin. While taking a bath there is enough moisture around. Heat and steam also expand the pores, allowing the ingredients to penetrate deeper and work better.


Drive into a mask: how to use face masks correctly (photo 9)
In the instructions for each mask, the exposure time is not in vain. Take the manufacturer's recommendations carefully. The fastest way to say goodbye to cleansing masks based on clay or healing mud. They draw contamination and sebum from the pores, but as soon as they completely dry, they easily return everything back. The solution is to wash off the mask as soon as it dries, use it in the shower or moisturize with thermal water.
Fabric masks should also not be kept on your face for longer than half an hour. Drying, they draw moisture from the epidermis, and do not give it away. In addition, they increase the temperature of the skin, which can lead to the multiplication of bacteria, and therefore to inflammation.
The only exception is moisturizing masks with a creamy texture. They can be left at least for several hours, even for the whole night .


Everyone who is familiar with them recognizes their love for Korean masks. Yes, and how not to love them? The combination of powerful serums with a tissue or hydrogel base works wonders. True sorceresses - Korean beauties - raise rates. Here is what they do. They put a fabric mask on the cleaned face, but remove it “halfway”. What for? To apply your daily serum . And then they return the mask to its place. Thus, the tissue helps to better absorb the active components of not only the mask, but also serum. And the remains are recommended to be distributed around the neck, décolleté and hands.
However, a number of dermatologists are not enthusiastic about the idea of ​​mixing various formulations. Especially if it is acids, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, hydroquinone and other exfoliating components. There is an exit. Choose both products of the same brand - similar formulations will enhance and not overlap. Either one of them should have a moisturizing effect, and let the second solve narrow problems.


Patches will help smooth the skin, not only under the eyes. Glue them between the eyebrow or on the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Regardless of the composition, "patches" of this category are aimed at moisturizing. Therefore, the lines of a smile they will bring no less benefit than goose paws.
Drive into a mask: how to use face masks correctly (photo 15)


Night masks are usually available in the form of balms. They form a breathable barrier and provide a steady flow of moisturizing, nourishing and protective ingredients throughout the night. Choose a composition with antioxidants. During sleep, such components penetrate deeper and work more efficiently, neutralizing the daily damage of free radicals. Especially antioxidants are useful for problem skin, which has a reduced protective function.

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