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Constipation after a diet, what to do?

- апреля 28, 2020

Constipation is a fairly common phenomenon, it occurs due to impaired rectal motility. In other words, food is poor, it moves sluggishly through the intestine and as a result stagnation, compaction is obtained. Constipation after a diet is a problem that has affected many aspiring to a slim body.

Why does this delicate problem arise during or after a diet? Very simple, constipation, most often, is the result of malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, you must admit, there are few diets based on proper nutrition, and you don’t really run around when there is no strength due to lack of carbohydrates or fats. Very rarely, the cause of constipation is a chronic bowel disease or hormonal disorder.

There are two types of constipation. Atonic and spastic, the first type is the result of a weak intestine, and the second is the result of a sharp bowel contraction.

How to eat with constipation. Doctors recommend eating small portions, but often, the principle of fractional nutrition, which many diets adhere to. This principle of nutrition will allow food to be distributed evenly, and facilitate exit.

Avoid a few hour-long breaks in food, because you can eat twice as much from hunger. There is a misconception that well-cooked food, almost mashed, will ease the situation, but this is not entirely true. You need to eat food cooked to such an extent that you would be able to actively chew, so it provokes the release of gastric juice and activates the intestines, with mashed figurative food, the intestines become sluggish.

If you find yourself having constipation problems, you need to enter as much fiber as possible into the daily menu. Fresh, raw vegetables, fruits and herbs must be present on your table. As you know, raw vegetables are best consumed with meat, and fruits go well with carbohydrates, cereals, such as oatmeal.

Constipation after a diet can also occur due to the fact that we abruptly stop drinking water. Each nutritionist advises to consume large amounts of water during the diet, at the end of the diet, we stop drinking water, and as a result we get constipation. There is only one conclusion: we do not drink much water, but often, about 100-150 ml every hour.

Constipation after a diet is provoked by the fact that the intestines are a little spilled, so you need to stimulate it to work. To do this, you need to introduce into the diet a number of products that will make the intestines work, they include bran, bread and cereals, wholemeal bread, fresh, raw vegetables and fruits. But from harmful sweets and pastries from white flour should be discarded. But you need to remember that not all vegetables are equally useful, potatoes and legumes are provocateurs of bloating and, as a result, constipation. Carrots, apples and plums are natural laxatives.

You can summarize and highlight the products that you need to temporarily remove from the menu. Legumes, various kinds of cabbage, grape juice, radish, radish, garlic and onions. Blueberries, pears, bananas, pomegranates, cocoa, tea, and, unfortunately, chocolate. Rice porridge, semolina, lard, margarine and mayonnaise have an astringent effect. Many are mistaken about kefir. It is a very common opinion that kefir has a laxative effect, but this is not the case, the exception is kefir, prepared independently, since on the shelves you can find only kefir at least two days old, and it has an increased acidity, which has a fixing effect. The same goes for milk. All this is minimized, if there is no strength, completely excluded.

="http://about-diet. blogspot. com/2013/07/blog-post_6835.html">

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