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Causes of overweight men

- апреля 28, 2020

A strong sex metabolism is "working" quickly, so the society has formed a lot of the stereotypes that guys enough for a couple of days to abandon the usual food, to lose weight, they need a rich and abundant food every day and limit the diet harmful, and so on. As a result, they overeat, their stomach is stretched, demanding the following as bulk serving of food. Like ancient ancestors, the modern guys tend to "eat while the food is", and established traditions to support their unhealthy habit. This is a dangerous misconception: men are required to fight obesity and prevent its occurrence. Otherwise there is the risk of stroke, early heart attacks and serious health problems. Promotion is another important cause of weight gain — sedentary lifestyle. Strong floor need a lot of attention to physical activity, it shows the regular sport is related to the ancient "genetic program", designed for heavy loads. Without them, the body weight is rapidly increasing, percentage of internal fat increases. In addition to immobility and habits abundant food to lose weight prevent:weight gain men of it is caused by hormonal failure, endocrine disorders and other medical problems. Decide their only doctor, so before to lose weight, get tested. If there are no more health problems, rethink food habits. There is a belief that the stronger sex enough physical exercise and diet is needed. Research conducted at Portland state University, proved a mistake. Without a proper and rationally composed menu efforts in the gym will be futile, and result from them are short — term. Food habit change is hard, so make the rejection of harmful products phased. The first step is menu planning. Standard man day requires more calories than the woman to 3000-3500 calories with regular physical activity. Lose weight fast helps to limit the energy value of the diet, but, as for the fairer sex below the critical level of 1000-1500 kcal down is impossible. It is fraught with metabolic disorders, frustrations, your body resists losing weight and accumulate stocks in preparation for "hard times". With a sharp caloric restriction the body does not consume energy, and turns it into visceral fat. Because of the peculiarities of hormonal and biochemical balance in the diet for a strong sex focus on some trace elements. Zinc and magnesium improves production of testosterone and other "male" hormones. They support the functioning of the cardiovascular system (and heart disease — the first in the list of causes of early death). Also necessary:Fasting, lose weight effectively impossible. A diet tailored to everyday stress, age, intolerance of foods and personal preferences, will help keep your weight, to get rid of extra pounds, feeling stronger and fitter. A standard and effective way of eating — fractions, 4-5 times a day. With him you will not tolerate the emergence of hunger, which will cause overeating at lunch or dinner, easily control the calorie consumption. If you do not eat Breakfast, make an effort to abandon unhealthy habits — a Cup of coffee is better than nothing, but this morning is very much needed energy. Take it from the "right" foods — soft cheese with herbs, whole grain toast and cereals, fruit-vegetable smoothies (representatives of the stronger sex do not neglect them), scrambled eggs with sweet peppers or tomatoes. The benefits of a glass of kefir or sour milk, eggs "in the bag" and so on. At lunch, be sure to include hot meals — after them the feeling of fullness lasts longer. Choose soups in light broth (vegetable, chicken), stews, poultry with vegetables, roasted on the grill or in the oven meat, fish. Turn on to a side dish of complex carbs — pasta from durum wheat, unpolished rice, wholesome grains, legumes. For dinner, optimal diet, with a predominance of protein and added fiber — chicken or fish with steamed vegetables, seafood, tofu. Healthy time gap between meal and sleep at least 2-3 hours. Between large meals appropriate snacks 200-300 calories — dried fruit, nuts, a sandwich with lean meat and wholegrain bread, yogurt. Important requirement is the rejection of unhealthy foods, otherwise, quick weight loss will not. Products in the diet of men in accordance with the popular diet program "Traffic light" is conventionally divided into red, mediationa and unhealthy, yellow, consumption of which needs to be controlled, and allowed green. This:Man needs foods rich in zinc. A trace mineral found in fish, seafood, oysters, walnuts, pine nuts, seeds and sesame. Much zinc in oats and barley, lentils, berries, boiled beef. Cocoa is rich to them, and also another useful trace element magnesium. It is present in buckwheat, dried fruit, whole wheat bread, beans. Proper nutrition is a must-have, but not enough. Adding exercise, you will lose weight quickly. No time for the gym? At home program. Include cardio — 20 minutes. The view that fitness without weights for men are useless is wrong. For "pumping" of the muscles enough weight of his own body and the desire to work on it. After the cardio workout, then do a classic plank for 30-60 seconds, sit-UPS and push-UPS on the outstretched hand (start with three approaches on 20 times). At home easy to work out the abdominal muscles, do crunches, leg lifts in a vise. To include in the program lunges, exercises with weights (no dumbbells and weights will fit the water bottles). Seth finishes the second approach cardio for 20 minutes. Drugs for weight loss are taken exclusively under the supervision of a physician and in combination with PP and exercises. Otherwise, quick results will result in irreparable health problems. Drugs are divided into groups:the gym is the best place for weight loss. Choose a fat burning exercise program and alternate trainers to work out different parts of the body. Sport is a way to throw off the stubborn pounds that did not want to give up nutrition (for men it is the abdomen, flanks). The instructor will make an individual program professionally, but realistically, and to develop effective complex. Start with cardio — 10-15 minutes on the treadmill, elliptical. If the weight is significant, at first, like them, and then proceed to rapid movement. The benefits of interval training — multiple approaches with the weights without any rest between laps. The main part of the training force. Include (and alternate on different days) presses and breeding dumbbells lying down and sitting up, straightening your arms on the block. Useful pull the upper and lower blocks, hyperextension, classic squats. A separate block of sessions will be devoted to legs. To include in the program of their flexion and extension in the gym, presses the center of the pad, its upper and lower parts. The stomach is the "vulnerability" of men. Get his attention — turn to the database of the program (squats, presses, deadlifts) crunches on a Roman chair, leg lifts in a vise, with emphasis on elbow and lying down on the bench. To remove folds of fat and to study the topography of the abdomen will help inclinations in the parties with dumbbells or on the block and workout Kora (core) — classic side bracket, the tin man and so on. A common situation is the representative of the stronger sex loses weight quickly, glad of the change figure and the face remains full due to lack of interest. To remove folds of fat, improve skin tone, make the contours more clearly would help:Sometimes you need to rapidly lose weight, but extreme diet programs cause harm to health, provoke the effects of yo-yo (back and repeated weight gain), lead to metabolic disorders. Harmless and effective complexes based on the allowable calorie deficit by limiting the energy value of food and increase of load. Out of them requires slowly so as not to cause disruption and "yo-yo".Week program is based on consuming 1000-1500 calories per day (less than 1,000 men and women to descend not) in combination with the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body and intensive training. The basis of the diet are diuretic foods and dishes with a predominance of protein and low carbs — eggs, poultry, fish, cheese with 0.1% fat. Week "drying" will form the six-pack will outline the biceps and by reducing fluid in the muscles will visually pull relief. To speed up the metabolism, between meals, drink warm water with honey. Note — on 1 kg of weight should have 1 g of protein per day, otherwise the weight will go at the expense of muscle, not fat. Systematic program designed for month, result — takes 3-5 kg of excess weight. Follow a balanced diet is to focus only on protein from lean meat and fish anymore. Add:the Number of training reaches 3-5 per week, to maintain health are included in the diet of vitamin-mineral complexes. With age the metabolic rate slows down, to drop and hold the weight becomes difficult. There is a need for a special diet, exercise, taking into account the condition. Therefore, when calculating KBZHU and the preparation of training plan you need to remember about age. Swift and deceptively simple. In 20-25 years speed metabolism and stamina of the body allow you to eat junk food without heartburn and "subsidence" pounds on the sides, but resist the temptation impossible. With weight loss the basis of the diet consists of protein to construct muscles, all carbohydrates are left on Breakfast and lunch, daily caloric intake cut to 2500-3200 kcal. For effective workouts enough 4 classes per week. In the 30-39 years to lose weight harder — you will have to abandon the sweet, flour and fat, to focus on vegetables and protein. On "the turn of the middle-aged" slow down metabolic processes in the body, hormonal changes due to testosterone deficiency progresses obesity. When losing weight, in 40-49 years of age:weight at age 50 years is rapidly provokes diabetes, leads to sudden heart attacks, strokes, excessive loads on joints that have become sensitive. Intense workout if you are not used to them, replace exercise, walking and Jogging, leaving time for muscle recovery. From the menu exclude products and the meats, add to them vitamins. Need sleep and not to change habits dramatically, a smooth transition to a healthy lifestyle. To get rid of extra pounds must be under the supervision of a physician. The emphasis is on regular walking, Golf, Jogging and similar sports, a restricted caloric diet rich in fiber and micronutrients. Count on a steady and slow weight loss — excessive zeal provokes health problems. The fundamental rule of weight loss is to expend more energy than consumed. The balance of PFC important for the health, tone the body, and it can not be neglected. If the time and effort to making the weekly rations are not enough, use the ready-made solutions to BeFit with a selected ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a specific task. A variety of meals in the containers, solving the problem of food at work and thought "what to eat to lose weight"For men weight loss — a fun game mixed with a stubborn struggle. Reaching the result in the short term, some of them throw up their hands and stop working on themselves. With self-motivation you will overcome the rapids and pitfalls, will pass the first stress period without breakdown and disappointments. Understand what you lose weight — to look good, to be realized in society, to raise self-esteem, to solve the issue with health. Formulate short - and long-term goals and stick to the plan, noting their achievements at each stage. Tune in for radical changes to food and (in)sports habits and don't expect after weight loss you will be able to return to unhealthy diet. Weight change — is the work "once and forever", but it will change you in a much better way. Eating varied and rightly so, picking up useful physical activity, you will receive an "antique" athletic body, vigor, reduce the risk of dangerous diseases and with passion will conquer new peaks in life. To lose 5 kg in a week, need a comprehensive approach. It should be based on proper nutrition and to incorporate reasonable physical activity and avoiding harmful food habits. To support PP will help, specially designed BeFit diet with optimal amount of calories — program Light on 1000-1100 calories a day. It is reduced to a healthy minimum body fat, focus on proteins and fibers and all meals are packaged in convenient containers. Order this program and then you will instantly figure out the correct and healthy diet for quick weight loss Menu effective: from 20.04.2020 for 26.04.2020 Rice porridge with prunes Composition: rice, coconut milk, stevia, prunes Weight: 200 gr. Chia pudding with coconut milkIngredients: Chia, coconut milk, cinnamon, mango, periques: 150 gr. Chicken cutlet with green buckwheat in a creamy walnut sauceComposition: chicken fillet, onion, egg, spices, buckwheat green, cream sauce, walnuts arekives: 250 gr. Chicken soupIngredients: chicken fillet, potatoes, onion, olive oil, chicken broth, cream, spices, solves: 200 gr. Azu beef with green beansComposition: beef, salt, onions, gherkins, beans Struchkova: 250 gr. Lazy dumplingsIngredients: cheese, egg, flour, strawberries, steveos: 150 gr. Cottage cheese-spicy casseroleIngredients: cheese, pumpkin, sour cream, egg, semolina, cinnamon, ginger, Splenda, baking powder, gelatin, metaves: 150 gr. Turkey meatballs in Spanish and couscous Ingredients: Turkey, spices, peas, couscous, tomatos: 280 gr. Spring saladComposition: chicken fillet, egg, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, radish, fresh herbs, sauce saleyves: 150 gr. Cod with oranges and broccoliIngredients: cod, orange, thyme, soy sauce, sweet pepper, ginger, parsley, blackolives: 240 gr. Omelette with mushroomsIngredients: milk 2%, eggs, mushrooms, speciies: 150 gr. The curd spicy greensIngredients: cheese 3% , egg, greens, sour cream, speciies: 150 gr. Canneloni BologneseIngredients: pasta of caneloni, minced beef, tomato sauce, speciies: 250 gr. Fitness salad with chicken filletComposition: chicken fillet, cucumber, pickles, green peas, egg, yogurt Greek, speciies: 200 gr. Grilled chicken fillet and a side of corn in tomato sauceComposition: chicken fillet, corn, tomato sauce, pepper sladkii: 0 gr. Chocolate pancakes with cottage cheeseComposition: flour, egg, milk, cheese, Cakovec: 100 gr. Carrot candy,Ingredients: raisins, walnuts, Markovic: 70 gr. Spaghetti with salmonComposition: salmon, zucchini, spaghetti, parsley, Basil, Parmesan, pine nuts, cream, pustules: 250 gr. Soup vegetableIngredients: vegetable broth, low fat milk, cream, spices, assorted Bosawas: 200 gr. Cabbage rolls stuffed with meatIngredients: cabbage leaf, minced beef, rice, spices, tomato souses: 250 gr. Muffins with Apple and carrotIngredients: oat flour, stevia, baking powder, carrots, ablatives: 150 gr. Cheesecakes with coconutIngredients: cheese, flour oats, semolina, coconut, stevia, eggs, chocolate solves: 140 gr. Pilaf TurkeyIngredients: Turkey, carrots, rice, spices, zapravka: 250 gr. Cold salad with funezouComposition: funchoza, carrots, cucumbers, sweet pepper, sesame oil, soy sauce, green onions, pepper chilies: 175 gr. Grilled chicken fillet and vegetable puree of carrots and cauliflowerIngredients: chicken, spices, carrots, cauliflower, Carcavelos: 200 gr. Apple strudelIngredients: flour kg/s, water, salt, egg, apples, cereal, corecases: 200 gr. Oatmeal cookies with banana and dried fruitsIngredients: bananas, oats, raisins, dried apricots, corecases: 80 gr. Roll meat with egg and bulgur with vegetablesIngredients: beef, spices, egg, bulgur, assorted Bosawas: 200 gr. VinaigretteIngredients: assorted vegetables, peas, pickled cucumber, zapravka: 150 gr. Cutlets of pike with mashed cauliflowerIngredients: pike, walleye, onion, salt, pepper, cauliflower, potato, cream, herbs, speciies: 250 gr. Pancakes from oat flourIngredients: oat flour, salt, baking powder, djembes: 120 gr. The farmer's cheese with raisinsIngredients: cheese, raisins, steveos: 150 gr. Cod in herbs with pritima and cream sauceIngredients: cod, salt, pepper, olive oil, spices, thyme, ptitim, beets, Brussels sprouts, chickpeas, carrots, Ceslovas: 250 gr. Cream of mushroom soup with mushroomsComposition: mushrooms, low fat milk, cream, spices, bouillon obosnovat: 200 gr. Steak chicken and spinach, baked with tomato and cheeseComposition: chicken, spices, salt, tomato, spinach, serves: 200 gr. 117534, Russia,

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