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5 tips to strengthen your immune system during a pandemic

- апреля 28, 2020

Apply these 5 basic tips that perfectly strengthen the immune system at this time, so as not to become a victim of coronavirus or any other disease.

The secret to a strong immune system is not medicine. Many times, adhering to certain rules of behavior in life, provides balance in your body, and this is more than enough to prevent some diseases. If you want to strengthen your immunity with natural remedies and products, perhaps these tips will help you.

Naturally, we have “built-in” mechanisms that help protect our body from any infection. This is the first or at least the most basic line of defense, and it can be protected by very simple actions that ensure the full and optimal functioning of the body's defense.

Good nutrition

For the body to function 100%, we need to give it the food it needs. Focus on eating foods that nourish your body.


It has been proven that stress makes our immune system more vulnerable to any infection. If you want to get sick less and enjoy life more, relax a bit or practice meditation.

Clear your mind of stress and everything that can consume your energy and positive. Attitude is very important for dealing with adversity, so always try to maintain a neutral attitude towards everything.


Good rest is probably the most determining factor for good health. Sleep, which will allow your brain to get rid of bad toxins and relax your body, is the best way to maintain and strengthen your immune system.

Rest, let your body restore energy and do not wear out your body and mind more than necessary. Remember that lack of sleep can impair your ability to fight any virus or infection, according to a study from the University of Manchester.

Physical activity

Exercise - there’s always not enough time, desire, inspiration or space for this. However, you must at least go for a walk for 30 minutes so that your body does not atrophy.

It takes some time to do a few squats before you go to work, or go a few blocks, and not get on the transport.

Reduce alcohol consumption

While the body is at risk of a pandemic, we recommend that you stop drinking alcohol. The reason is very simple: excess alcohol depletes our immune cells and reduces lymphocytes.

If you want to take care of yourself and maintain a high protective barrier, say goodbye to alcohol for several days or months, or better forever.

Elena, www. zhenskoeschastie. com

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