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We moved!

- июня 11, 2019

If you follow along on Instagram you may have seen that we moved! We are staying in Raleigh but moved into a different home.

I’m typing this from my parents home in Wisconsin as we are spending a few days here to celebrate the 4th of July with my family. It’s been quite a while since I’ve typed up a blog post to publish in real time but it feels like I need to update you on what has being going on behind the scenes!

The timeline of last week was a little nuts but we made it through and I hope to never move again in my life! Here’s a snapshot of what happened:

6/26: Signed papers to close on the new house. Also, it was my birthday which was fun!

6/27: Did the final walk through, movers showed up, spent 10:00am-11:30pm moving + unboxing a few things. Finally set up our bed at midnight and crashed for a few hours.

6/28: Had the old house cleaned, prepped for showing, and photographed. Unboxed and organized the new house and played with the kids.

6/29: Continued to unpack while spending time with kids, began packing for our trip to Wisconsin.

6/30: 6:00am departure from the house to the airport, got to Wisconsin mid-morning, and took a much needed nap.

We scheduled this trip home many months ago, and well before we knew anything about a move date. A few of you asked why we moved in haste, and being able to return home to the new place and start our life there was a big factor. Justin and I also wanted to be out of the house before we put it on the market so we didn’t have to have it “show ready” while still living there and packing.

The last four days of June were really full, but we were fueled by the adrenaline of being in a house that we are really excited about. The boys are enjoying it and Emily is living her best life playing in and climbing all the boxes!

I’m finding myself thinking about decor, rugs, organizing, and such. Part of me wishes I could be there just to unpack, but I think this trip really came at the perfect time to focus on the kids a bit and let them have some fun. So much of the month of June was spent packing, and while the kids were extremely patient and rolled with all the changes well, their daily life looked a little different.

When we get back, one of my top priorities is to set up my office so I can get back into the swing of things. Filming has been difficult for the past few months as we had a lot of exterior work done to our old house. I miss the routine I had and feel like I have so much I want to share once I get back into my work flow!

This has certainly been a busy season and it’s been an absolute joy to be able to share this with you via the blog and Instagram. There are an innumerable amount of wonderful things about my job, but at the top of the list is having a pretty incredible and loyal readership that celebrates along with me.

Thanks for your patience with the slightly lighter than usual content. I’m taking this week off but hope to get back into my regular routine at about the middle of the month or so. Meanwhile, Amanda (my assistant who I must introduced you to ASAP!) and I have picked some favorite posts to share on Facebook so be sure to follow along over there so you don’t miss anything!

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