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All The Baby Items I Purchased : Useful To Useless !

- июня 13, 2019

The baby has been sleeping the whole freaking day, and its got me a bit freaked out. Hurried googling and asking five friends later, I figured he is probably going through a growth spurt – so Im making use of this little window of free time to do a blog post that a bunch of you have been requesting. I’m a bit of a research nazi, so every time I make a baby purchase I do TONS of it and so far I have to say most of my baby purchases have been pretty useful!

What I’m using for Baby Toiletries

  • Mama Sparsh Water Wipes : These are 98% water and gentle on the skin.

  • Desitin Diaper Rash Cream + Aquaphor : I alternate between these two creams and they resolve diaper rash in a jiffy !

  • Sebamed Face Lotion

  • Mustela Body Lotion– Got this as a gift and its nice enough but Im not super fussed about body lotion- anything would do

  • Plain coconut oil for massage

Purchases for Feeding

  • H&M Nursing T shirts: I literally LIVE in these. My track bottoms , and nursing t shirts are the most comfy and practical combo

  • H&M Nursing bras: I didn’t get the proper nursing bras but these soft sports bra kinda nursing bras- I find them so comfy and theres no confusion on sizes since theyr stretchy etc

  • Medela Swing Breast Pump: One of my top 5 most useful purchases. I express milk on a daily basis and I don’t know what I would have done without my Medela. I got the single electric pump and I love it , but I think the double one is even better – just was super expensive.

  • Dr Brown Bottles: I love these bottles- theyr anti colic, and they dont cause nipple confusion (yes there is such a thing – google it)

  • Philips Avent Steriliser: What would I do without this little work of art. Sterilises my pump, bottles etc in a jiffy

  • Philips Bottle heater: Nice to have but not a must have. It takes a good 5-7  minutes for it to heat my milk bottle. I find it more convenient to just keep hot water in a thermos, then pour it into a utensil and put the bottle in it- quicker that way with a crying baby

  • Milton Thermos : MOST USEFUL PURCHASE. I know , like why is a thermos on my essentials list. You will use a thermos for EVERYTHING. If you formula feed, you will keep boiling water in it at night so that you have hot water in the middle of the night to mix with formula- if you breastfeed and express milk you will use it to warm your bottles.

  • Boppy Pillow: This is a feeding pillow my sister in law got from abroad- not only is it useful for feeding but also serves as a nice little pillow for propping up the little one.

  • Piles Tyre: This is an inflatable ring you can sit on. I originally got this so my stitches wouldn’t hurt when I sit but  now use it because my tailbone started aching like crazy with the breastfeeding – so it takes the pressure off my tailbone

Bathing purchases

  • Skiphop Moby Bathtub: Absolutely one of my favourite purchases so far. It was expensive, but I know I’m going to use it for atleast 2-3 years. It basically becomes a sling for a newborn, a semi sitting sling for a 3-4 month old and a bathtub for an older baby.

  • Aveeno Baby Wash

  • No more tears Johnsons Shampoo: The only johnsons product you can still use- the other creams/ talcs etc are not reccomended. But Im going to switch from this one as well-i dont like it- will use Aveeno only

Clothing purchases

  • Carters on Firstcry has the cutest little things-specially their zip onesies are very convenient as compared to the button onesies

  • H&M does really nice things too but their sizes are too exact so they literally become small in two weeks time.

  • In general I prefer tops and bottoms I have realised as compared to onesies- they are so much more practical to remove and quickly check for poo inside a diaper

  • Swaddles: I got swaddles from a lot of different places – one from @thelilcompany is specifically super duper soft. There are swaddles available at Little West Street, Abracadabra , Masilo and lots of other places.

Baby Gear (Carriers/ Prams etc)

  • Boba 4g Carrier: If you plan on babywearing I highly reccomend you join the Babywearing India group on Facebook- they give you useful, practical advice on which are the best carriers. On the group people are fans of Soul Anoona, Kol Kol, ergobaby and more. I also love the Boba 4G which I got  from Amazon. Its been rated one of the top 4 carriers of 2018 -but it doesn’t support front facing front carry if that’s a huge parameter for you. Is also a more bulky carrier for a petite frame but super sturdy, super comfortable , egonomic and can be used right from newborn stage.

  • Chicco Cortina  Stroller and Car seat (Travel System) : This is a car seat and stroller travel system (A travel system is one where the car seat can be picked up and attached into the stroller itself). We got this and haven’t used it yet but its honestly one of the only travel systems available in India (outside of online Amazon) . Has a bunch of features – I would have bought Graco online on Amazon but assembling it itself and with lack of customer support in India I found it safer to buy this from the store itself

  • Motorola Baby Monitor : Could not have survived without this. This picks up the smallest of sounds and sometimes when Im in my room and the baby is in the nursery with the nanny, I can keep a watch on him at all times.

Baby Bedding

  • Cot (I got this as a hand me down from my sister which I have now repainted)

  • Baby Sleeping bag: This again was a hand me down but honestly its one of our most used items. My baby doesn’t like being swaddled and manages to free himself from his swaddle, but if we dont keep him enclosed he can kick his blanket etc off. So a sleeping bag is so useful as well as warm for keeping him warm and snuggled but still giving him space to move around. Love- mine is from Abracadabra

  • Baby Jalebi Bed in a Bag: I got this just cos I thought for travelling or if the baby is outside of the cot we would put him on this but the baby hates sleeping on it

  • Masilo Bedding set: Super soft muslin .

  • Bunch of fitted sheets from Amazon.

  • Cushions from on Instagram- so cute

Other stuff

  • Quick Dry Sheets: Quick dry is a company which manufactures these. You can get em off the quick dry website or amazon. They are modern versions of momjamas and right up there in my top 5  purchase list.  They basically have plastic on one end and normal sheet type on the other- so we use them every time we have to change the baby so that our beds dont get spoilt.

  • Tons of little hankies

  • Tummy Tuckers for me: Got one by Shopolica from Amazon (really good) and one from Clovia on Amazon (also good – more comfy than Shopolica but not as tucking )

  • Baby Gym: Super useful as a toy that can be used right from 3-4 weeks onwards uptil a good 6 months. They love it. I got mine from Fisher Price

Think that about covers it ? If I missed something let me know and Ill add it in

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