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What to Stop and Start Doing in your Beauty Routine

- мая 24, 2019


I’m not a super big fan of “do’s” and “don’t’s” when it comes to makeup, simply because I love the freedom of expression, finding what works best for you and your features and feeling confident in finding what looks make you feel prettiest. However, I have noticed several things that seem to go easily wrong for women, causing them to look less beautiful than they really are. I have also discovered a few steps that make large, visible differences for the better. Here are 10 things to stop doing in your routine and 10 things to start!



1. Thickly lining your bottom lash line.

2. Wearing blush too low.

3. Overlining your lips to make them look bigger.

4. Using a wedge sponges to apply foundation. If you like the idea of a sponge, a beautyblender is the way to go. You can see it in action Here.

5. Lining only the outside of your lips with liner and doing it after lipstick.

6. Using bronzer all over to appear tan.

7. Smoking. This does literally nothing for you health and beauty-wise.

8. Tanning. Go bed-free with My favorite sunless products.

9. Using one eye brush for everything. Here are additional details brushes from a previous post.

10. Using too nude of a lip color.



1. Experimenting with trends and color.

2. Defining your brows.

3. Using a retinol or retinoid product. I love Philosophy’s Help Me.

4. Using an eye cream.

5. Incorporating SPF into your moisturizer or primer.

6. Using waterproof mascara on your bottom lashes.

7. Washing your makeup brushes on the regular. Need to know how? Here!

8. Enjoying your morning beauty routine! Music, coffee, morning shows-this should be a happy time!

9. Exfoliating. Via Clarisonic brush or a gentle at-home peel.

10. Start asking what you want to know from the experts in your life or friends who always have it going on. Most people who truly love beauty are happy to teach, myself included 🙂

Click Here to read the original article at Divine Caroline for additional details and product recommendations.

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16 Comments Filed Under: Blog


Maggie says

This is a pretty hypocritical article. You’re saying that you support freedom of expression with makeup but telling women that they should do their makeup /your/ way. Women face enough criticism from literally everyone, we don’t need to be told how to do our routine, especially by another woman. Women should do what THEY think looks best of them, not what everyone else likes. Personally, I do my makeup for myself and to enhance MY opinion of myself. Overall a very snobby “do” and “don’t” article just like all the rest.


    Ivy Boyd says

    Hi Maggie! While we may not agree, I do thank you for taking your time read this post, even though it’s not for you.


    Liza says

    Thank you for saying this! It needed to be said.

    Personally I love the dark eyeliner & nude lipstick look - it’s sexy. And I’m not a fan of larger eyebrows. Her eyebrows on the right look better to me, more natural & unique. The only thing that I agreed with is the the overuse of bronzer, but that’s just me.

    Besides, everyone’s face varies, so different techniques work for different people.

    To the article writer: stop bashing styles that you don’t like yourself and learn more about acceptance.


Stacey says

On the “right side” did you fill in your lips with lip liner then use a nude lipstick? I’m a lover of nude lip colors, recently I think the nude lip has been washing out the color on the rest of my face. So I’m trying to go a little darker on my lips. Thanks! Great article.


    Ivy Boyd says

    Hi Stacey! Thanks so much for reading! I did use a nude lip liner that matched my lipstick. I find the best nude color veers a little pink or peach, otherwise, they are basically concealer! NYX makes a great nude lip liner called Peekaboo Natural. Here’s what it looks like on: Http://wakeupformakeup. com/?s=nude+lip


Makemeup says

You can wear liner under the entire eye and actually look better. The problem is you werent using any of your waterline to line your eyes. Also blush on the apples of the cheek works best and a bronzer in the hollow. The whole point is that there are many ways to do makeup right to enhance one’s face. though I do think your brows look great.


Artemis says

And huge angular brows look even more fake than overlined lips. A bad trend overall, which I hope will die soon. They were way better before, maybe with a bit of a darkened tail.


Tera says

I’m with Artemis. I think one day we’ll all be looking back having a good chuckle about all these fake, overdone, mannequin like eyebrows of 2014/15. I hope so anyway. Other than that, I think the simple do’s are lovely.



Honestly I think this is great. What you said is totally correct and you want to look younger, which i think was the main point of this post, you should stop doing beauty donts and changing how you do makeup. Really good tutorial, loved it.


    Ivy Boyd says

    Hi Zoe! I really appreciate the kind words, especially on a post with a great deal of negative feedback, haha! Of course there really aren’t “rules” but let’s be real-there are some tried-and-true’s that just look nicer…depending on who ya ask of course! Thanks for reading 🙂


Louise says

I don’t understand the negative feedback. Looks like some good tips to me & shows the differences. If you like the nope side then you’ve still learnt some tips. Some people seriously need to relax. If you like the idea try it. If it isn’t for you go to the next tutorial. No need to get nasty.


Stephanie says

I have not been thrilled with my overall look concerning my makeup. I couldn’t pin it down, and then I read your tips. Oh my - I am doing so many things wrong! Your advice is right-on for me, and I appreciate your help in figuring out what was up with my makeup-mistakes! It makes so much sense! Thank you! Great info and I feel much more confident about how to create a better look for myself!


Shannon says

Personally I loved all the tips as well! Has made me rethink a few of my make up choices.

And as far as the negative comments, I think it’s funny to read these women who try to put the author down for having an opinion….if you’re so happy with how you do your make up then why are you reading the article in the first place??? LOL 🙂


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