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Renee Slansky – The Incredible Rise from Rock Bottom

- мая 03, 2019

Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional!

Emotions like happiness and joy, sadness, and pain, all go hand in hand in life. However, those who embrace these phases of life with a smiling face are the real warriors. It doesn’t matter how rich you are, what is your age and nationality, and to which culture you belong, the pain will come. We all make mistakes; yet, it is these blunders that help us grow and make us mentally strong. All that one need is to learn how to manage the pain and eventually rise above it.

Renee Slansky

Life tests everyone. It doesn’t spare you based on your gender, age, or looks. The story of gorgeous Renee Slansky will tell how life could get harsh and how you still get the chance to pick up all the broken pieces together. She has gone through spirals of pain, which she is now using to influence people all around the world.

Renee Slansky is an Australian established model, dating expert, TV presenter, writer, and a motivational speaker. Raised with the belief that fairy tale ending exists, Renee was confident about finding her lucky man soon. She always believed that one day she would find her Mr. Right. However, on the contrary, life always gets harsh on her, and she ends up being in many toxic relationships.  Numerous dating cycles for almost 10 years didn’t help Renee to find the best partner for her.

While Renee was looking for value, self-respect, and happiness in men, she always ends up getting toxicity and negativity from them. These cold experiences of her life taught her that love, care, and respect is something which she can get from nothing but herself.

Later, she realized that she hasn’t learned how to love and value herself outside the men. She perceived that if I get in a relationship with men, every problem in my life will go in the blink of an eye.

Renee Slansky

After dating almost every type of guy for around 10 years, she becomes the Dating Expert. She realized that while she actually met some of the best guys in the journey, she wasn’t able to recognize them due to the self-sabotaging pattern of her own mind.  However, she also dated men who used her brutally, cheated on her, and involve her in heinous things like blackmailing. Pain, anger, sorrow, and resentment become her permanent mates. She lacked all the confidence in herself and got surmounted with the feeling of remorse.

It was the time when she finally decided to break the walls she built all around herself and fight back with her demons.

Renee realized that she is not alone who has experienced this, but a number of people undergo such circumstances in their life. She thought something has to be changed, and change has to begin with herself first. She says it was purely God’s grace that helped her gather the courage to grow out of all the turmoil and sort her baggage.

It is said to err is human, to forgive divine.

Renee thought to forgive all the men who chose to hurt her and start self-love. She finally realized that she deserved more and as created for something better in life. She learned what all she was doing wrong, expecting wrong, and how to turn it around.

Renee Slansky

Now she is on a mission to educate women and men to be able to do the same with the help of her blog, “The Dating Directory.”

Today, The Dating Directory is the number one dating blog in Australia. Renee used to write what it meant to date men with children and how to navigate a relationship online in the modern world. With time, her writing nurtured, and her blogs start featuring in big dating website including the likes of Huffington Post. Today she is teaching millions of women about love, relationships, and how to maintain your dignity in them.

Renee says when we are in an erroneous relationship, we don’t understand when and where we are going wrong. It’s not until you learn outside of it what you could have done better. After spending 13 years in the TV industry, modeling and ending up doing Miss Universe competition where she was in the top 20 women, she has seen and experienced a lot. Renee has worked with the like Hugh Jackman on TV commercials and has even met Jason Statham.

We are broken people dating broken people – Renee Slansky

Renee says love requires a strong sense of identity and purpose and a healthy understanding between the two individuals. You need to put that in a realistic sort of expectation. It is about having someone who makes you feel like you’re part of the team instead of fighting for the survival of relationship all alone.

Renee’s experiences and learning are bringing positivity in the life of those who are struggling with their toxic relationships.

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