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Milk Makeup Blur Liquid Matte Foundation

- мая 06, 2019

Described as “flawless full coverage with a lightweight, serum-like feel” and the shade Golden Light described as “light with warm golden undertones”, I felt like the Milk Makeup Blur Liquid Matte Foundation was a sure bet.

Milk Makeup Flex Concealer in Light, Blur Liquid Matte Foundation in Golden Light

It looks good in the tube, yes? It looks yellow enough. It looks like the right depth. It looks really perfect actually.

But damn iiiit. The color isn’t right for me. The depth is good but the shade isn’t nearly yellow enough. Keep in mind, I’m not the norm. I am not only a yellow undertone, but to an extreme, leaning green. Most brands don’t cater to that and it’s ok.

I wonder if this might be better with a bit of a tan since a real tan typically has a little red to it. I’ll try again once I have a bit more color.

I can’t recommend this foundation based on the lack of true yellow undertone, the same issue I had with their Flex Concealer in Light.

Milk Makeup Eye Pigment in Hotel Lobby, Gig

I already knew I loved the Eye Pigment so I wanted to try another shade, choosing Hotel Lobby for it’s pale not silver-not gold-metallic neutral quality.

I just love It. It’s such a unique shade, not too silvery or white on me and the wear of these just can’t be beat. I totally recommend it.

Milk Makeup Hydro Grip Primer

First, the good.

I really like the texture of the Hydro Grip Primer because it feels like aloe vera gel. True to it’s name, there’s a slight grippiness but nothing excessively sticky. I like that it contained hyaluronic acid, cannabis seed extract and blue agave.

Now, for the bad.

There is an odd scent though that I can only describe as mild formaldehyde. So weird right? It doesn’t contain it; don’t worry.

Performance wise, even when my dry skin was well-hydrated, instead of making my makeup look better, it created texture that actually made my foundation look worse. My makeup was breaking up more than usual vs. wearing longer.

Despite it’s hydrating ingredients, I suspect this may work better for oily skin. It’s likely just not the primer for a dry girl like myself. For that reason, I do not recommend.

Milk Makeup Lip + Cheek in Werk

I can’t decide between this and the Eye Pigments but the Lip + Cheek might be my favorite Milk Makeup product. The texture is so beautifully buttery which makes blending on cheeks a breeze, feels like a balm on lips and I’ve even used it on my eyelids which I love too.

The color Werk is described as a Dusty Rose and though it’s more pinky than I expected, it’s just such a fresh, healthy look. Absolutely love This.

I totally recommend it.

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I hope this review has been helpful. It was a real half and half situation, wasn’t it? The things I love from Milk, I really love. The things I don’t, are turds.

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2 Comments Filed Under: Blog


Mel says

I appreciate your reviews so much – but especially so because of the yellow undertone emphasis!



    So happy to hear this, Mel! I will say, after being in the sun a few days, this foundation looks like a better match, but that is likely because even mild sun exposure will add a hint of red/pink to skin.


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