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Isle of Paradise Self Tanning Drops Review

- мая 08, 2019

My skin tone is available in 2 extremes: when I’m pale, I am PALE but when I’m tan, I get more questions than usual about whether or not I am Greek. FYI, I’m only 1.9% Balkan, 0.2% Ashkenazi Jew. I don’t mind either skin tone but I definitely prefer the tan one, if we’re being honest here, which we always are. Enter Isle of Paradise Self Tanning Drops.

I get spray tans but because I exfoliate and use fancy skincare potions, my tan fades on my face and legs first after about a week. I like having something to keep the party rollin’ so I still flirt with self tanning products now and then.

I became curious about Isle of Paradise after following them on Instagram and seeing Katie Jane Hughes use their products.

Isle of Paradise makes self tanning products in a variety of forms: drops, water and mousse. I like being able to customize a tan and amp up the existing skincare I love so I chose the Isle of Paradise Self Tanning Drops. I purchased them from Sephora, which carries the full line online and in store.

How I use Isle of Paradise Self Tanning Drops

I add 1-3 drops to my moisturizer at night to wake up with a nice, subtle glow. I have used this with Murad Essential-C Night Moisture, because that’s just what I’m using right now but I think it would work well with most day or night creams.

I’ve also used 6-8 drops per leg in my body moisturizer to give my legs less of a frightening appearance. I used the Soap & Glory Smoothie Star Buttercream and it mixed perfectly.

What I love about Isle of Paradise Self Tanning Drops

I experienced no streaking with this, only subtle, believable color. It’s not messy or sticky. I washed my hands after using it and I didn’t get any stains. The color never looked orange or off to me. I liked that this was customizable and buildable so you can ease into it.Anything I don’t like?

I will say, the different color formulations confuse me, despite all the reading I’ve done. I use the Light, the peach one, since I have light skin to begin with. It says for a deeper tan, to add more drops. I am confused as to when I’d bump up to Medium though? What if I want the color correction power of Dark but I’m light? As the Isle of Paradise site says, green tones cancel redness, lilac targets yellow/sallow tones and peach universally brightens.


I would probably advise against using the drops in any product with too much silicone (dimethicone high in the ingredient list) as I just don’t know how well that would combine.

I feel like you should probably choose the formula based on your current skin tone vs. the color correction factor. !function(d, s,id){ var e, p = /^http:../.test(d. location) @ 'http' : 'https'; if(!d. getElementById(id)) { e = d. createElement(s); e. id = id; e. src = p + '_3A//widgets. rewardstyle. com/js/shopthepost. js'; d. body. appendChild(e); } if(typeof window.__stp === 'object') if(d. readyState === 'complete') { window.__stp. init(); } }(document, 'script', 'shopthepost-script'); Turn on your JavaScript to view content

Do I recommend Isle of Paradise Self Tanning Drops?

Absolutely. These are easy to use and give excellent results. I feel like they are fool-proof. If you need a self tanner, you need this one. It’s awesome and I want more.

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5 Comments Filed Under: Blog


    Ivy Boyd says

    Yes! I would just wait until they are absorbed a bit but no issues applying makeup on top!



Really nice blog. Got to understand a lot about this product. Absolutely amazing! Thanks for the great sharing. 🙂


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