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Alexa Carlin – The Inside Story of the Women Empower X Founder

- мая 09, 2019

We currently live in a world where the ambition of most people is ruled by money instead of the impact they create. In spite of the norm we see today, some people continually strive to impact lives and inspire people through their own story. Alexa Carlin is one of such people. She is the CEO of Women Empower X and a renowned public speaker. Women Empower X is a platform that enables entrepreneurs and leaders to form a healthy community that fosters support and inspiration that will allow each person to achieve their goals.

Alexa Carlin

Alexa’s story is truly inspiring as it focuses on how pain can be temporary and often leads to beautiful and fulfilling paths in the end. Alexa grew up in a family where entrepreneurship wasn’t a strange concept. Her dad was an entrepreneur, so it comes as no surprise; she launched her first business venture at the age of 17.

Alexa is a natural entrepreneur her first business at 17 was designing jewelry for a Los Angeles-based fashion company, donating a percentage of sales to help their mission with ending poverty through education in Africa. After this venture, she went on to start an inspirational blog in college, called Hello Perfect that focused on instilling confidence in young women.

Further Reading: Dr. Cortney Warren: The Psychology of Self-Deception

So, how did Alexa go from running a successful business at 17 to fighting for her life at 21? At the age of 21, Alexa was just a couple of months from graduating college at the University of Florida, she had her life planned out, ran a successful blog, and was getting ready to move to New York City to fulfill a career in fashion after college. Success at that age can be overwhelming, and Alexa wasn’t immune from the pressures that come with success at an early age. A little self-doubt did worry her, but it didn’t stop her. Then suddenly, she fell sick. January 26, 2013, was a date Alexa will forever remember as it was the day her body went into septic shock. She was inducted into a medical coma that lasted 6 days and had to spend about 10 days in the intensive care unit. Hope seemed to be lost when the doctors said she had about a 1% chance of survival.

Alexa Carlin

Fortunately, Alexa recovered, and she was still able to graduate from college on time. However, the sheer amount of antibiotics they gave her during her time in the ICU resulted in her developing an autoimmune disease. Although she was out of the hospital, the post-traumatic stress and physical pain she had to endure is enough to break any woman. Alexa is made of tougher steel and refused to give in to negativity even when it seemed like the only thing to do.

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She understood that she couldn’t control everything, and decided to focus on what she can control. Firstly, she worked towards getting her blog Hello Perfect to a point where it yields substantial revenue as well as impact. Nevertheless, the thought that her chronic illness was something she was going to deal with for the rest of her life was hard to accept. She made a choice, to live above it and begin to embrace life and all it had to offer one day at a time.

Alexa Carlin

True to herself and to her motto, “The more people you truly know, the faster you grow”. Alexa picked up public speaking to share her story and inspire other young girls to be better versions of themselves. Today, she is a successful speaker, but having failed to get her blog to the point of profitability, she pivoted to the now known Woman Empower X. In the early days, her speaking events under her blog attracted no more than five people; the first Women Empower X drew a crowd of more than 2000 people! Today, her events through WEX attract over 2500 people from all over the world with notable guests like Elena Cardone and Cleo Wade. Alexa was ecstatic at the success of the Woman Empower X and is a firm believer that lightning can strike twice when it comes to success.
With all the success that Alexa is experiencing, she is still dedicated to creating a community that would empower women with the right tools, knowledge, and connection to build both their personal life and business. It is Alexa’s mission to make a difference with at least one person daily.

The story of Alexa is the evidence you need to validate, that you can be a successful entrepreneur by harnessing and learning from pain.

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