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What Can Science Do to Help Your Hair Issues?

- апреля 28, 2019

 solving hair issues with science

Vasyl –

In today’s world, you have plenty of hair care options available. Certain products will claim to help volumize your hair, help rejuvenate dry hair, and even help your hair grow better. However, are these claims backed up scientifically?

It turns out, there’s plenty of research on hair care solutions. You just have to do a little digging to find it. Use these scientific principles to determine whether a new product will actually work wonders on your hair, or you’re just being tricked by a drugstore marketing scheme.

Check the Ingredient Label

Most people know to check the ingredient list when buying a new hair care product. You want to make sure the formula isn’t using ingredients that you’re allergic to, or just ingredients you want to avoid, as well as whether nutrients are listed. However, the ingredients list can help you far more than just on the surface.

You may not know this, but ingredients are listed in order of predominance, with the ingredients that make up a higher percentage at the top, and the ingredients with the smallest percentage at the bottom. The vitamins proclaimed on the front of the bottle should be as high on the list as possible. To most effectively read hair care ingredients, you’ll want to brush up on the lesser-known names for vitamins: Vitamin A can be labeled as retinol, B vitamins are often called biotin, Vitamin C may be listed as citric acid, and so on.

Essentially, you’re looking for more nourishing ingredients higher up on the list, and fillers much lower, if they’re present at all.

Do Your Own Research

The front of the bottle may say that its active ingredient is backed up scientifically, but it’s incredibly important to verify those claims. Sure, most ingredients have some conflicting research, but you’ll often find that the majority of studies either back it up or leave something to be desired.

If you think that all this research sounds too difficult and confusing, you’re in luck. With today’s modern technology, you can essentially just use a search engine and look up the active ingredients yourself. If you can’t find the ingredient at all, or you find an overwhelming number of studies that find its efficacy to be shaky at best, you may want to approach with caution.

Go with Longstanding Ingredients

In keeping with the previous tip, some ingredients are so well known that they’re essentially part of everyone’s repertoire at this point. Many vitamins fall into this category: vitamins A, B7, C, D, and E are all frequently used to help with hair growth and maintenance.

Some home treatments can give you amazing results without ever having to go through the process of finding an actual product. Coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil have all been posited as potential hair supplements, and you can buy them in their pure, unadulterated form. That way, you can stick to an all-natural hair care routine that benefits your hair.

Use Proven Hair Treatments

hair treatments that use science

drouk –

Salon products aren’t the only thing that can help you care for your hair effectively. As hair care science has progressed, more and more treatments have become available for hair that’s lacking in some way. An esthetician will usually be the one administering the treatment, which means you’re sure to get a treatment that actually works and is beneficial to you.

Whether you’re looking for hair growth, hair removal, or even hair strengthening treatments, your stylist can recommend the right program for you. Just make sure you mention your hair care concerns. He or she can help you discover exactly what you need.

How Does Science Play into Haircare?

Technically, science influences everything about hair care. Even the most generic drugstore products use a created formula that the creators decided was good enough to sell. However, if you start looking into it, you’ll find that you can use scientific principles to find the right treatments and products.

Remember that, while drugstore products do utilize some scientific basis, salon products often have much more that went into creating the perfect formula. If your stylist recommends a salon product for your hair problems, that product probably has active ingredients that are more concentrated, more scientific backing, and will offer better results.

If you don’t currently have a stylist, find yours today! Just book an appointment at one of Ogle School’s salons and an expert will be able to give you the advice you need.

About the Author

Jeff Chiarelli

Jeff Chiarelli is the Executive Director of Marketing for Ogle School. His responsibilities include managing Ogle School's online, print, TV and outdoor advertising and branding and spreading the Ogle gospel.

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