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How can employees use social media to destroy your business secrets?

- апреля 30, 2019

social media to destroy your business secrets

Business organizations consist of plenty of employees to produce productivity. Productivity alongside the quality really makes a difference to generate revenue.

The more employees mean more equipment in term of cell phones, gadgets and computer devices.

On the other hand, when the company’s owned devices got connected with the cyberspace it empowers employees to perform plenty of operations with sheer speed and with genuine and researched information. However, every single company has good cops and as well as the bad ones.

There are employees that really work hard to achieve their company’s expectations and on the other hand there most of the ones that really want to just waste time as much as they can. However, the method of time wasting could be different for different reasons.

In addition, business firms may consist of such type of employees that can really destroy your business organizations by sharing it to your adversaries to make money. They can use the company’s owned devices and social media platforms to damage your company by leaking out confidentiality to third parties.

How employees use social media to destroy your business secrets?

Obviously, when employees have complete immunity overusing social media platforms on companies owned devices without making check they can do things that could be risky for business.

Most of the companies these days provide digital devices for quick communication circle and to exchange order and views. At one angle it is very effective that employers can remotely give commands to the related tasks via social media platforms and today skype and WhatsApp are one of the most frequently used social media platforms within the business world.

 Therefore, employees these days using social media apps and websites for texting, making conversations, audio, and video calls and even for sharing multimedia and documentation to their fellow workers within the business or outside the organization virtually.

It means, there are plenty of chances that employees can destroy business secrets within no time. They can share the company’s owned secrets especially the confidentiality related to the product, style of manufacturing, formulas and other business plans to third-party organizations.

So, this is one the dangerous and lethal aspect that I have discussed with you how your employees can destroy your business. Furthermore, most of the employees always use social media apps and websites for personal reasons on company’s owned devices. So, there are will be definitive chances that the social media website they are using maybe got some sort of malware by making clicks on multiple links and stuff.

It can be stored in cell phones, gadgets and even on the computer machines. Resultantly, the UN intentional wrong activity is done by the employee’s social media using company’s device end up with the data hacking. So, business secrets and documents get stolen due to the use of social media websites all day long. Hacker over the years is able to exploit WhatsApp Flaws and even to the user, encrypted chats and Facebook cryptocurrency mining malware has been grown via Facebook messenger. It means social media is not safe for business secrets.

social media and business secrets

How to deal with the trouble?

Employers can deal with the trouble no matter employees are destroying business secrets intentionally or accidentally. All they need to do is to use employee monitoring software and further, you need to install it on your company’s owned devices.

Once you have ended up with the process of installation then you can remotely monitor employee’s activities to the fullest. You can simply use live screen recording tools on employees’ cell phones and computer machines within the working hours with the use of phone and PC spy app.

You can record screen activities into the short back to back videos. So, you will have the real-time access on the target device activities used by the employees in terms of browser activities, emails sent/received, messages, shared media and conversations happen on social media platforms.

Moreover, an end user can get user –friendly reports of all the activities happen on the company’s owned devices in terms of logs. You can get to know about visited apps, websites, and emails and set alarms on particular risky activities of your employees.


Cell phone and computer monitoring software enable employers to keep an eye on social media activities in real –time by using a screen recorder tool to protect business secrets.

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