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Debunking 7 Hair Care Myths

- апреля 23, 2019

shedding light on hair myths

Voyagerix –

You might think you know a lot about hair care just because you’ve absorbed some information over the years, but you may actually be buying into false myths. There’s plenty of misinformation floating around when it comes to hair care, and believing everything can end up damaging your hair. Instead of believing every hair care tradition because of how frequently you’ve heard it, get the real scoop here.

1. Fine Hair Doesn’t Need Conditioner

Some people believe that because fine hair is silkier than coarse and thick hair, it doesn’t need conditioner. In fact, conditioner is about much more than keeping your hair from knotting together; it’s also about lift, volume, and general shine. Using the right conditioner on fine hair can make it more thick and luscious, keeping it from becoming dull or lackluster.

2. More Brushing Is Inherently Better

You’ve probably heard about brushing your hair 100 times before bed. Most people don’t actually do it, but that concept is remarkably prevalent, and it may lead to you wanting to brush as much as possible. Excessive brushing can damage your hair; you want to brush your hair enough to untangle it, and that’s all.

3. Coloring Your Hair Is Unhealthy

Some people assume that coloring hair at all is bad for it. Many people function on the thought that your hair can only handle so many color treatments, which means that coloring your hair is making it less healthy. Changing colors is fun, and there’s really no harm in it as long as you get the right stylist. Don’t be afraid of getting a dye job; your stylist can make sure you still have a healthy head of hair.

4. You Should Rinse Thoroughly After Conditioning

You need to rinse all products out of your hair before you get out of the shower, right? Not so fast. In actuality, conditioner needs to stay in a bit to work on your hair effectively. The presence of the product will keep your hair soft and silky throughout the day. Rinse out the majority of the product, but make sure your hair feels silky smooth when you shut off the water.

5. Cutting Your Hair Makes It Grow Faster

People will give you all sorts of explanations as to why this is true. The truth is that, while getting a trim can make your hair healthier, it doesn’t have any effect on how fast your hair grows. Still, you shouldn’t skip salon visits. While your hair will always grow at a certain speed, a haircut can give your hair new life.

6. Oily Hair Needs Daily Washing

The reasoning behind this is simple: oily hair means more buildup, which should mean more washing. Actually, if you wash oily hair regularly, you might be causing more oil. By stripping the hair of its natural oils, you trigger your scalp to produce more, and that can quickly make your scalp almost unmanageable. Instead, wash every few days, or whenever your roots start to feel greasy and dirty.

7. You Need to Switch Shampoos Every So Often

haircare myth about switching shampoos

Pavelis –

Some people insist that your scalp will “get used” to the shampoo, and you should switch shampoos every so often. There’s just no truth to it. Your shampoo isn’t going to stop working suddenly. Find a shampoo that you love and stick with it. Finding the perfect shampoo is a much better strategy than trying to hop between shampoos.

Hair care myths are everywhere, but the truth is usually easy to find. In general, there are some easy ways to take care of your hair: find great products, do your own research on your hair type, and find an amazing stylist who can help you manage your hair concerns.

If you’re having a difficult time finding the right stylist, try an Ogle School salon. You’ll get expert care from professional stylists, and you can ask all your hair care questions with confidence. Make an appointment today to put some life back into your hair styling routine.

About the Author

Jeff Chiarelli

Jeff Chiarelli is the Executive Director of Marketing for Ogle School. His responsibilities include managing Ogle School's online, print, TV and outdoor advertising and branding and spreading the Ogle gospel.

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